~Minutes of Meetings~


Board of Review

Building Codes


Elections and Ballots
Hall Rental

Master Plan

Meeting Calendar
Minutes of Meetings
Pet Licensing
Planning Commission
Public Safety
Road Issues
Taxes & Assessing      (information is free to taxpayers but you must "sign up" to access)




DECEMBER 14, 2006


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on December 14, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


All members present.  Ron and Michelle Geiger, Gene Fleming, Mike Roper, Loretta Smith and Assessor, Jill Kassuba were also in attendance.


Diane Purgiel made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Mike Roper of the Otsego County Road Commission stated that a portion of Mt Jack Road, 1.4 miles from Skop Road to the first driveway around the curve to the left has verbally been declared a Rural Collector and is available to receive safety funds if applied for by March 1, 2007.  The funds are awarded in June or July. 


The estimated 2008 construction cost with a 15% contingency would be about $538,307.00.  Eighty percent would be Federal Safety Funds(not to exceed $400,000.00) and a local match(Elmira Township) would be about $138,307.00.  Mr Roper stated that the OCRC would take care of the engineering fees which may be about $8,000.


If the grant would be denied application would be made again in 2008.


Leonard made a motion to provide the 20% match for the proposed 2008 Mt Jack Road Project upon success of obtaining Federal Safety Funds and that the township’s match should not exceed the $138,307 estimate.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Loretta Smith addressed the board in regard to an extension of Franckowiak Road since she may no longer use a right of way starting in the spring of 07.  Diane F directed her question to Mr. Roper.



Jill reported two land divisions have been approved.  Clark-Adkins, 5594 West M-32  and Shaff on Theisen Road.


Reviewed Equalization Ratios:  Ag 47.32%, Commercial 46.78% and Residential 47.28%


December BOR was completed on December 12th with 8 petitions.  Six corrections were made to PRE/Qualified Ag Exemption Status changes, 1 poverty exemption claim and 1 correction  as a clerical error.


Jill met with Michael Golett, State Tax Commission District 2 Supervisor who conducted the 14 Point revue.  Elmira Township is in compliance with the General Property Tax Act and the State Tax Commission Rules.  Jill discussed with the board the six areas to correct.  Diane F and Susan received the results from Kelli Sobel, Executive Secretary, State Tax Commission. 



Ron stated that he has been deputized by Sheriff McBride.  He has resolved two of the three complaints.  He received a thankyou note from the Billideaus. 



Leonard presented copies of the draft of the Master Plan to the board members.



CD  67,625.40  B of NM CD  102,383.34  CD  99,351.83  CD  104,974.71 

Gen Fund  55,728.22   TOTAL  430,063.50


Diane reported that she had several bad address and had tax bills returned.  She received a letter from the law offices of Jermaine Wyrick stating that from a legal standpoint, Gerald Kyles stringently objects to the lien and the $5,209.21 that you claim is owed.



3052    Theresa Plachta, trustee                                                            116.75

3053    Susan Schaedig, Clerk salary                                                    919.90

3054    Ron Geiger, Ordinance officer, Liquor Inspector                       219.99

3055    Leonard Skop, Trustee                                                             276.75

3056    John Middleton, PC                                                                  110.00

3057    John Ernst, PC                                                                         110.00

3058    Jill Kassuba, Assessor                                                           1,514.20

3059    James Theisen, PC                                                                   110.00

3060    Gloria Torello, PC                                                                    130.00

3061    Duane Hoffman, PC                                                                 110.00

3062    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer                                                            869.90

3063    Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor                                                712.75

3064    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       100.00

3065    MMTA, treasurer registration                                                     35.00

3066    Diane Jaroneski, hall dep refund                                                  50.00

3067    Diane Franckowiak, reimb use computer & fax                           25.00

3068    Susan Schaedig, reimb mileage                                                      7.12

3069    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                    84.22

3070    Jill Kassuba, reimb                                                                    210.93

3071    Carquest                                                                                    95.33

3072    Walmart                                                                                       8.79

3073    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    21.56

3074    Waste Management                                                                    60.15

3075    Dunn’s Business Solutions, copies                                               75.60

3076    D & H Excavating, snowplowing                                                 64.50

3077    Fidlar Companies, test deck, registration cards, citations            246.67

3078    Susan Schaedig, reimb internet                                                    42.99

3079                                                                                                     VOID    

3080            Theresa Plachta, reimb internet                                            53.40

3081    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, PC                                            27.00

3082    Roderick Wright, reimb                                                              53.03

3083    Home Depot                                                                              63.57

3084    Great Lakes Energy                                                                 306.17

3085    Centurytel                                                                                  95.94

3086    Holton’s LP Gas                                                                      357.64

3087    Roderick Wright, BOR, hall maintenance                                  281.00

3088    Eugene Fleming, BOR                                                                50.00

3089    Cynthia Prusakiewicz, BOR                                                        50.00

3090    Michigan Dept of Treasury, taxes                                              600.97

3091    Waste Management                                                                    60.31

3092    Water Systems Management                                                     119.81

3093    Independent Bank, taxes Dec                                                   799.01



Theresa made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Diane P and carried.




Diane F. made a motion to reappoint Eugene Fleming, Cynthia Prusakiewicz and Roderick Wright to the Elmira Township Board of Revue.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Leonard made a motion to pay for the registration and wages to allow the Supervisor, Assessor and Board of Revue members to attend the BOR class in February.  Seconded by Sue and carried unanimously.


The next Township Association meeting will be held in Elmira on January 15, 2006.


There being no further business to come before the board, Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk





NOVEMBER 9, 2006


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on November 9, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


All members present. Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer and Jeff Ratcliff were also in attendance.


Leonard made a motion as corrected.  Seconded by Diane P and carried.


Jeff Ratcliff discussed the purpose of the US EPA Brownfield Redevelopment Grant.  A master list of potentially high risk contamination and high development potential will be identified in Otsego County.  The grant is 100%.


Diane P made a motion in the form of a Resolution in Support of the Otsego County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority in the submittal of a grant application to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for a community-wide brownfield assessment grant.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.

AYES: Diane Franckowiak, Susan Schaedig, Diane Purgiel, Leonard Skop, Theresa Plachta.

NAYES: None   ABSENT:  None



Ron stated that the vehicle complaint in Franklin Farms has been resolved.  He has emailed Dorothy Layman in regard to Northern Land/aka James R Hall.



Diane F reported that the proposed budget was reviewed.



The State Tax Commission has scheduled a November 15th 9:30 a.m. meeting regarding our 14-point review.  Will update next month.  One of the points consists of holding office hours.  If office hours are held it is required that a resolution be posted with the steps for scheduling a meeting with the assessor.  Jill will try to obtain a sample copy from the reviewer for future reference.


Reviewing residential sales study that was compiled by the Equalization Department.  Currently consists of 38 sales in which our ratio has been determined to be 45.78%.  She is verifying sales for arm length transactions and completed new construction buildings.


December Board of Review needs to be scheduled for December 12, 2006 and posted.  We have two homesteads corrections at this time.



Robert Huppert, owner of Railside Bar & Grill is requesting a permit to install a billboard across the street from the Railside on property owned by Gone11(Frank Zaremba).


Sue made a motion to recommend to the Otsego County Zoning Board to approve putting up an auxiliary sign as long as it stays under the size of a billboard, no bigger than 32 square feet, obtains a legally binding contract with Frank Zaremba, liability insurance and fits within the Otsego County Zoning Ordinance.  Elmira Township assumes no liability and this issue may be re-visited in the future if new information becomes available.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.



CD  67,625.40   CD  102,383.34  CD  99,351.83  CD  104,974.71 

GEN FUND  66,734.02    TOTAL  441,069.30


Diane stated that Gerald Kyles will not accept the certified letter regarding the lien on his property; 1987 was the last time a township millage was put on the ballot and she recommended to wait until January to start making changes to the Policies and Procedures book.



3004    Theresa Plachta, trustee                                                            116.75

3005    Susan Schaedig, clerk wages                                                     869.90

3006    Diane Purgiel, treasurer wages                                                   869.90

3007    Diane Franckowiak,  Supv wages                                             712.75

3008    Ron Geiger, ordinance officer, Liquor Inspector                        219.99

3009    Leonard Skop, trustee                                                              226.75

3010    Jill Kassuba,  assessor wages                                                 1,434.20

3011    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       225.00

3012    Theresa Plachta, Sept & Oct internet service                               53.40

3013    Spartan Sewer & Septic, pumped septic tank                            140.00

3014    Diane Franckowiak, reimb use computer & fax                           25.00

3015    Northern Michigan Speedway, hall dep refund                            50.00

3016    Sam’s Club, membership renewal                                                35.00

3017    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    21.56

3018    Waste Management                                                                    60.07

3019    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, Gerald Kyles                           108.00

3020    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                  128.63

3021    Duane Hoffman, Oct PC meeting                                               110.00

3022    Doreen Ostrander                                                                     194.85

3023    John Middleton, Oct PC meeting                                               110.00

3024    John Ernst, Oct PC meeting                                                      110.00

3025    James Theisen, Oct PC meeting                                                110.00

3026    Gloria  Torello, Oct PC meeting                                                130.00

3027    Mark Rygwelski, lawn mowing                                                  305.00

3028    Barbara Fleming , election inspector                                          136.00

3029    Janelle Crawford, election inspector                                          136.00

3030    Margaret Hall, election inspector                                               154.27

3031    Fidlar Companies                                                                     159.17

3032    Carquest                                                                                  133.53

3033    Michigan Dept of Treasury, Boiler inspection                              65.00

3034    United States Postal Service, treasurer, postage                        117.00

3035    Postmaster, PO Box fee                                                              38.00

3036    Leonard Skop, Special PC meeting                                           110.00

3037    James Theisen, special PC meeting                                            110.00

3038    Gloria Torello, special PC meeting                                            130.00

3039    Duane Hoffman, special PC meeting                                          110.00

3040    Holton’s LP gas                                                                        511.62

3041    Otsego County Equalization Dept , 1515 parcels                     1,208.82

3042    Susan Schaedig, election                                                              72.00

3043    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                                 29.74

3044    Gaylord Community Schools Food Service                                  12.20

3045    Doreen Ostrander, reimb                                                             13.35

3046    Susan Schaedig, reimb internet service                                         42.99

3047    Independent Bank, Nov 06 taxes                                               810.63

3048    United States Postal Service, postage-taxes                               514.80

3049    Great Lakes Energy                                                                   345.36

3050    CenturyTel                                                                                  85.94

3051    United States Postal Service, postage-taxes                                 11.55



Diane P made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.


There being no further business to come before the board Theresa made a motion to adjourn.   Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk






OCTOBER 12, 2006 


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on October 12, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


All members present.  Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Al Bentz, Commissioner, Jill Kassuba, Assessor, Phil Alexander, Roger Rasmussen and over thirty residents were also in attendance.


Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as presented.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.


Phil Alexander from the MSU Extension explained that a task force has been formed to address the nitrates found in private wells in Otsego County, including the wells at the south end of Camp Ten Road in Elmira Township.  Twelve wells would be monitored and he wanted to know if there was any interest in a meeting to address the issue.  The task force will meet in December and he would schedule a public meeting sometime after that. 


Several residents in attendance expressed their concerns and were interested in attending the meeting.


Phyllis Huff stated that six wells on Camp Ten Road had been found to have high nitrate levels and was concerned as to why this was happening.



Jill has started field work for the 2006 building permits and continues to update photos as she goes along.  She has not heard anything from the State Tax Commission regarding the 14 point review.


State Tax Commission cases:

Leo Francis-no information regarding his appeal

Norbert Skibinski-assessor is directed to enter the net increase in approved assessed value and/or taxable value for each year corrected.


Michigan Tax Tribunal cases:

Fred Britt(judgment that the taxable and assessed values remain as assessor warranted)

Consumers Power-they have suggested that we review their recommendation of attached stipulation/Jill thought she would send to our township attorney for their review.



Ron reported that the house on Buell Road is gone and land is for sale.  Nothing has been happening on the burned out trailer.  The Northern Land owner is not Bill Cogswell but thought to be owned by a Mr. Chaffee.


He also requested more copies of the ordinances.



Leonard stated that Michael Hickey of Camp Sancta Maria is requesting a special use permit for a camper cabin to replace a previous cabin.  There will be no plumbing or septic.


Leonard made a motion to approve Camp Sancta Maria’s request for a special use permit for a camper cabin only at 5361 W M 32, Gaylord, MI parcel code 38-6086752.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


The Railside Bar is seeking to place a sign but there are too many obstacles.  They currently have a sign across M-32 on the Zaremba property.



Diane F made a motion to appoint Kristine Francis to a three year appointment to the Elmira-Warner Fire Authority.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.



CD  67,625.40   CD  102,383.34  CD  99,351.83  CD  104,974.71

Gen Fund  54,501.73    TOTAL 428,837.01



Sue suggested contacting Dan Sevenski to empty the garbage at the park when it is in use.



The board discussed pumping of the septic tank at the hall.  Spartan Septic will be contacted.


Diane F made a motion to contract with Doug Francis for snowplowing for the 2006-2007 season.  Price will remain the same as last year(43.00/hr for plowing, 55.00/hr to move snow piles).  Seconded by Diane P. and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to adopt a credit card resolution.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.  AYES:  Diane F, Susan S, Diane P, Leonard S, Theresa P



Sue made a motion to adopt the 2006 Tax Rate Request.  Allocated  .8924  Voted Fire .9878.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to appoint Doreen Ostrander, Peggy Hall, Barbara Fleming, Janelle Crawford and Susan Schaedig as election inspectors for the November 7, 2006 General Election.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to allow any board member to attend the 2007 MTA convention in Detroit.  Registration fees, hotel, per diem, mileage and a 100.00 expense to be paid by the township.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Leonard made a motion to participate in a County Wide Hazardous Waste Pickup.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


The next Township Association meeting will be held on November 21,  2006 at Dover.



2973    United States Postal Service                                                       31.50

2974    Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s Salary                                                919.90

2975                                                                                                     VOID

2976    Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Inspector                      219.99

2977    Theresa Plachta, Trustee                                                           116.75

2978    Leonard Skop, Trustee, PC                                                      276.75

2979    John Middleton, PC                                                                  110.00

2980    John Ernst, PC                                                                         110.00

2981    Jill Kassuba, assessor                                                            1,544.20

2982    James Theisen, PC                                                                   110.00

2983    Gloria Torello, PC                                                                    130.00

2984    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer                                                            919.90

2985    Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor                                                737.75

2986    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       112.50

2987    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C., Kyles                             311.00

2988    Diane Franckowiak, reimb use fax & computer                           25.00

2989    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                  102.13

2990    Nick Purgiel, assist treasurer                                                       67.50

2991    Jill Kassuba, reimb mileage                                                       242.97

2992    Waste Management                                                                    60.59

2993    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    54.81

2994    Election Systems Software, ink cartridge                                     30.00

2995    Michigan Dept of Treasury, July, Aug, Sept taxes                      822.77

2996    Dunn’s Business Solutions                                                         111.09

2997    Jeanne Puroll, hall dep refund                                                      50.00

2998    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                                42.99

2999    United States Postal Service                                                      117.00

3000    United States Postal Service                                                        47.80

3001    Great Lakes Energy                                                                   314.90

3002    Independent Bank, taxes-Oct                                                    716.85

3003    CenturyTel                                                                                  85.94



Theresa made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


There being no further business to come before the board, Theresa made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk






SEPTEMBER 14, 2006


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on September 14, 2006 at 7:05 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


All board members present.  Others present were Judge, Janet Allen, Assessor, Jill Kassuba, Al Bentz and Ron Geiger.


Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as presented.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously. 


Judge, Janet Allen appeared before the board asking for support for her re-election.



Updated the computer in the office and it holds proper back up date for the 2006-2007 assessment rolls.  Lap top computer hard drive failed but it has been repaired by Alpine Computers.


Michigan Tax Tribunal Cases:

Fred Britt- judgment that the taxable and assessed values remain as assessor warranted

Bob Brown- teleconference scheduled for September 12th  but petitioner requested an in person conference.

Norbert Skibinski-hearing scheduled for September 26th in Lansing.  Assessor will attend.



Diane F reported that a fuel filter was the problem on the old ambulance and has since been delivered to the Otsego County Dive team.


Sean Mason’s appointment to the Fire Authority is up in October.



CD  64,000.00    CD  101,197.53   CD  99,351.83  CD  104,974.71

GENERAL FUND  51,352.92        TOTAL  420,876.99



2940    Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s salary                                                 869.90

2941    Diane Purgiel, Summer tax collection salary                            1,716.68

2942    Diane Purgiel, treasurer’s salary                                                869.90

2943    Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor’s salary                                   687.75

2944    Theresa Plachta, Trustee                                                           116.75

2945    Ron Geiger, ordinance officer, Liquor inspector                         219.99

2946    Leonard Skop, Trustee & Planning Commission                        226.75

2947    John Ernst, Planning Commission                                              110.00

2948    Jill Kassuba, assessor’s salary                                                1,434.20

2949    James Theisen, Planning Commission                                        110.00

2950    Gloria Torello, Planning Commission                                         130.00

2951    Duane Hoffman, Planning Commission                                      110.00

2952    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       112.50

2953    Keskine, Cook, Miller, Smith & Alexander, audit                   3,045.00

2954    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                          25.00

2955    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                  116.17

2956    Nick Purgiel, assist treasurer                                                       22.50

2957    Alpine Computer, repair assessor’s computer                            174.99

2958    Jill Kassuba, mileage                                                                   99.68

2959    Waste Management                                                                    61.49

2960    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    20.35

2961    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, Jerry Kyles                              337.50

2962    Municipal Underwriters of Mich                                             7,876.00

2963    Complete Lawn Care                                                               305.00

2964    Wal Mart                                                                                   42.03

2965                                                                                                      VOID 

2966    United States Postal Service, stamps                                         195.00

2967    Charter Communications, internet                                                42.99

2968    Great Lakes Energy                                                                  271.81

2969    Dunn’s Business Solutions                                                           64.98

2970    CenturyTel                                                                                 86.22

2971    DEQ, water testing                                                                     14.00

2972    Independent Bank, taxes-Sept                                                  932.75



Diane P made a motion to pay the bills, seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.



The board discussed pouring a cement pad for basketball hoops at the park.  Prices for a half court and a full court will be obtained.


Options for garbage pickup at the park during the summer were discussed. 


The next Township Association meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 19, 2006 at Corwith Township Hall.



Ron reported that Bill Cogswell of Northern Land Company is the possible owner of the building in Elmira that needs to be removed.


The out building at the corner of Buell Rd and M-32 is being demolished and the home is being fixed up for selling.


The mobile home complaint is being gutted and cleaned up.


There being no further business to come before the board, Diane P made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk






AUGUST 10, 2006


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on August 10, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


All board members were present. 


The minutes were accepted as corrected.



Jill is requesting clarification on the Agricultural Form she had intended to send to the agricultural property owners.  She is hoping to use the form with suggested modifications for an INTERVIEW only.  She can ask the questions and complete the forms with the information the property owner shares via phone or in person.


The 14 point review has not been conducted by the Assessing/Certification Division as of yet.



The review has been done for the Village of Elmira.  The PC has received  a copy of the new proposed Otsego County Zoning Ordinance.



A resolution was passed by the FA to Establish the Elmira-Warner Fire Department Structure, Responsibility and Accountability.


Diane F. reported that the old ambulance that was given to the Otsego County Dive team won’t start.  They plan on fixing it so it will start.  May need a new carburetor or fuel tanks.



CD  64,000.00  CD  101,197.53  CD  99,351.83  CD  104,974.71 

General Fund   49,469.49     TOTAL  418,993.56



2890    Sara Schaedig, deputy clerk                                                      300.00

2891    Susan Schaedig, Clerk                                                           1,182.90

2892    Doreen Ostrander, election & cleaning                                      390.50

2893    Roderick Wright                                                                       457.00

2894    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       125.00

2895    Diane Purgiel, treasurer                                                             919.90

2896    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                    21.97

2897    Diane Purgiel, summer tax collection salary                             1,716.66

2898    Theresa Plachta, trustee                                                            216.75

2899    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                              105.03

2900    Diane Franckowiak, reimb use fax & computer                           25.00

2901    Barbara Fleming, election                                                          157.25

2902    Margaret Hall, election                                                             161.50

2903    Janelle Crawfore, election                                                         144.50

2904    Duane Hoffman, reimb                                                                38.41

2905    Theresa Plachta, reimb internet                                                  205.15

2906    Nick Purgiel, assist treasurer                                                       32.50

2907    Doreen Ostrander, reimb                                                            40.05

2908    WalMart                                                                                    76.94

2909    Pat & Buds                                                                                 5.50

2910    Roderick Wright, reimb                                                              26.37

2911    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    20.35

2912    Waste Management                                                                    58.87

2913    Dunn’s Business Solutions                                                           25.99

2914    Mark Rygwelski, mowing                                                         140.00

2915    United Building Centers                                                              43.45

2916    Gaylord Herald Times                                                                 46.48

2917    BS & A Software, equalizer support                                         445.00

2918    Michigan Assessors Association                                                  75.00

2919    Cynthia Prusakiewicz, BOR                                                        50.00

2920    Ron Geiger, ordinance officer, liquor inspector                           219.99

2921    Leonard Skop, trustee                                                              276.75

2922    John Middleton, PC                                                                  110.00

2923    Jill Kassuba, assessor                                                            1,434.20

2924    James Theisen, PC                                                                   110.00

2925    Gloria Torello, PC                                                                    130.00

2926    Eugene Fleming, BOR                                                                50.00

2927    Duane Hoffman, PC                                                                 160.00

2928    Diane Franckowiak, supervisor                                                 737.75

2929    United States Postal Service                                                       78.00

2930    Sally Barnes, hall dep refund                                                       50.00

2931    Tom Marker, hall dep refund                                                      50.00

2932    A.R.M. Chapter 26, hall dep refund                                            50.00

2933    Charter Communications, internet service-clerk                           28.42

2934    Independent Bank, August taxes                                            1,113.78

2935    Fidlar Companies                                                                       72.15

2936    Great Lakes Energy                                                                  292.10

2937    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    32.70

2938    Accident Fund                                                                          786.00

2939    Centurytel                                                                                   86.22



Diane P made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Diane F announced that there will be a meeting on 8-15 at 9:00 a.m. at the University Center regarding the groundwater tests in Elmira and Johannesburg.



Holton’s Propane has given a price of 1.54 for propane for the 2006-2007 heating season.  The township will continue to purchase propane from Holtons.


There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.


Susan Schaedig, Clerk






JULY 13, 2006


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on July 13, 2006 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:05 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


All board members were present.  Others attending were Ron Geiger, Lee Marvin and Dave Marvin, Jill Kassuba and John Ernst.


Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes of the preceding  meeting.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.



Elmira Township has been randomly selected by the State Tax Commission to be reviewed by the Certification Division field staff  on assessment administration practices, procedures and records in a Standardized 14-Point Review.


The July Board of Review will be held on 7-18-2006 at 9:00 a.m..  There will be one poverty case and Jill has four other corrections.


All assessment rolls on township office computer installed 2000-2006 & 2007 working roll.


Two land divisions were Paul & Marilyn Kacznowski and Robert & Elizabeth Warner.


Jill & Diane P have been looking into printing the tax bills.  There are continuing address issues, the warrant was not issued until June 28th and the township has better records.  They are hoping to start next summer.



Ron stated that he has one new complaint.  The Mench property has been foreclosed, Scott Patton of Boyne Falls has a mobile home and he stated that he has spoken to the fire department and it would be taken care of.  Ron will try contacting him.

He has also e-mailed Dorothy on the Northern Land building.



Diane F stated that there will be a resolution to establish Fire Department accountability instead of an ordinance.  The issue of the old ambulance has been resolved.  It will be donated to the dive team in Otsego County.



Diane P stated that the seminar in Marquette was well worth attending. 


Mike Heslip has two different legal descriptions on the same property and has threatened to sue the township if it isn’t taken care of.  The township has the correct one but Equalization’s is incorrect.  Diane P will work to resolve the problem.


CD’s  64,000.00     101,197.53   99,351.83   104,974.71        Gen Fund 57,334.06     TOTAL  426,858.13



2846    United States Post Office, taxroll prep                                       507.00

2847    United States Post Office, taxroll prep                                       268.53

2848    United States Post Office, elections                                             63.00

2849    Susan Schaedig, clerk’s salary                                                   979.90

2850    Diane Purgiel, treasurer’s salary                                              1,089.90

2851                                                                                                      VOID 2852                                                                                                      VOID   

2853    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                  353.15

2854    Diane Purgiel, summer tax collection salary                             1,716.66

2855    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                    58.74

2856    Diane Franckowiak, reimb use fax & computer               25.00

2857    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       104.99

2858    Theresa Plachta, trustee salary                                      116.75

2859    Ron Geiger, ordinance officer, liquor inspector              219.99

2860    Leonard Skop, trustee salary                                                    223.46

2861                                                                                                      VOID 

2862    Jill Kassuba, assessor salary                                                   1,514.20

2863    John Middleton, PC meeting                                                     110.00

2864    John Ernst, PC meeting                                                 110.00

2865    James Theisen, PC meeting                                                       110.00

2866    Gloria Torello, PC meeting                                                        130.00

2867    Duane Hoffman, PC meeting                                                     110.00

2868    Doreen Ostrander, Automark class                                           100.00

2869    Diane Franckowiak, supervisor’s salary                                    787.75

2870    Debra Lamberson, hall dep refund                                              50.00

2871    Jill Kassuba, mileage                                                                   98.79

2872    Ron Geiger, mileage, postage, copies                                          75.15

2873    Mark Rygwelski, mowing                                                         370.00

2874    Patricia Robarge, hall dep refund                                                 50.00

2875    Waste Management                                                                    58.66

2876    Dunn’s Business Solutions, contract                                            46.60

2877    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    54.81

2878    Mid North Printing, envelopes                                         47.90

2879    Independent Bank, July taxes                                                    906.78

2880    Michigan Association of Planning, John Ernst                   60.00

2881    Alpine Computer                                                                        79.99

2882    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                    70.24

2883    Carquest, hall cleaning supplies                                       72.85

2884    Otsego County Historical Society, contribution-dues     100.00

2885    Chet’s Excavating                                                                     600.00

2886    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer P.C.                                           40.50

2887    Chester Township                                                                       35.43

2888    CenturyTel                                                                                 86.22

2889    Great Lakes Energy                                                                  291.90



Diane P made a motion to pay the bills. Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.



The board reviewed the proposed contract to financially supplement Otsego County Planning and Zoning.  Concerns were the length of the contract and if and when the county would get their funding back the townships would no longer contribute.  Townships would help fund $24,000.00 per year.  Elmira considered a small township would contribute $1,760 and the larger townships $3,800.  County Zoning  would be kept open as is.  The other alternative would be that the townships would have to finance their own planning and zoning department.


Leonard made a motion to accept the contract and contribute $1,760.00 per year to Otsego County Land Use Services for the purpose of maintaining the Otsego County Planning and Zoning department as is.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


Diane P contacted attorney Haider Kazim in regard to procedures for placing a lien for $5,209.21 on the Gerald Kyles property without him losing his property.  Mr. Kazim explained that a lien can be placed on the property but it would be held like a property tax fee not a tax or special assessment.  The notice of lien should be filed with the county clerk.  In the event of a transfer of ownership of the property, the new owner will be liable for the lien.



David Marvin and Lee Marvin, Zoning Specialists for Faulk & Foster of Grand Rapids represented Alltel Communications requesting Special Use Authorization to increase the height by 25 foot to an existing Cell Tower at 2252 Flott Road.  This would make the height of the tower 275 foot.  The project would result in better mobile coverage in Elmira Township and would allow for two other potential tower leases.


The board reviewed the Elmira Planning Commission minutes in regard to PC-2006-07-Elmira-SUP.  Leonard Skop made a motion to recommend to the Otsego County Planning Commission to grant to Alltel Communications(Job No. 717161200) whose address is 5025 28th Street, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49512 for Special Use Authorization subject to special conditions of the Otsego County Ordinance, see Sections 9.2.21, 18.46, to increase an existing tower from 250 feet tall to 275 feet tall on property owned by American Tower, 29585 Costello Drive, New Hudson, Michigan 48165 and property located at 2712 Flott Road, Elmira, Michigan 49730 be approved with the following conditions:


  1. That leased parcel size be increased to meet both Section parcel is 100 feet x 100 feet, the Section requires a minimum of  88,000 square feet) and Section 18.46.2(that said leased/owned tower site be a minimum of 550 feet by 550 feet or 275 feet from tower  base to edge of the property line).


  1. That conditions of Section 18.46 be brought in to  compliance before expanding the tower.


  1. A professional certification per page xx-3 and xx-4 of the Otsego County Ordinance shall be required.


Motion seconded by Theresa Plachta and carried unanimously.


Diane F read a letter from the Health Department informing the board of water contamination in the south Camp Ten area.  Several wells have been tested and nitrates have been found to be on the high side.  The Department of Agriculture is working with the problem.


John Ernst stated that several years ago selected wells were tested on Elmira area farms under a Department of Agriculture program.  Safe levels were found at that time.


John said that nitrates will build up from septic systems, manure and fertilizers. 


Sue made a motion to appoint Doreen Ostrander, Barb Fleming, Janelle Crawford, Peggy Hall and Susan Schaedig as election inspectors for the August 8, 2006 Primary Election.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to appoint Doreen Ostrander as Deputy Clerk to fill the vacancy left by Sara Schaedig.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


Diane P made a motion to donate $ 100.00 to the Otsego County Historical Society .  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


There being no further business to come before the board Sue made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk





JUNE 8, 2006


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on June 8, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


All board members were present.  Township residents in attendance were Ron Geiger, Al Bentz and Rocky Wright.


Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as presented.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.



Commissioner, Al Bentz brought up the various millage issues that will be on the Primary ballot in August.



The pump house project is complete.  The old 321 still has to be sold.  Diane is working on ordinance regarding establishing order, structure and accountability of the Fire Department.



CD 101-121  64,000.00  101-224  102,617.92   101-225  100,000.00  101-226  99,351.83

Gen Fund 41,250.08       TOTAL   407,219.83



Ron stated that he is working on six complaints: two are under control, he has sent letters to another two, one is under foreclosure and he is working on the other. 


He commented that if he was deputized the township could receive revenue from the tickets.  No action.  The board directed him to obtain a picture ID.




2806    Theresa Plachta, Trustee wages                                                116.75

2807    Susan Schaedig, Clerk wages                                                   919.90

2808    Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Inspector                      219.99

2809    Leonard Skop, Trustee wages                                                  116.75

2810    Jill Kassuba, Assessor wages                                                 1,434.20

2811    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer wages                                                 919.90

2812    Diane Franckowiak, Supervisor wages                                      897.75

2813    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                         87.50

2814    Waste Management                                                                    58.72

2815    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                          65.05

2816    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                    59.62

2817    Syscom Central North  , APC UPS backup                                89.95

2818    Municipal Retirement Systems, Inc, admin fee                           185.00

2819    ING USA Annuity & Life Insurance Co                                 1,276.86

2820    Gleaners Life Insurance Society                                              5,885.91

2821    Michigan Townships Association, dues, legal defense              1,141.29

2822    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    20.35

2823    Wal Mart                                                                                   12.97

2824    Mark Rygwelski, lawn mowing                                               1,160.00

2825    Gaylord Herald Times                                                                 32.18

2826    Otsego County Equalization Department                                    597.60

2827    Dunn’s Business Solutions, agreement                                         47.60

2828    United States Postal Service, stamps                                           78.00

2829    Theresa Plachta, Road Comm meeting                                        50.00

2830    Leonard Skop, PC meeting, Road Comm meeting                     160.00

2831    John Middleton, PC meeting & seminar                                     160.00

2832    John Ernst, PC meeting                                                             110.00

2833    James Theisen, PC meeting                                                       110.00

2834    Duane Hoffman, PC meeting     & seminar                                 160.00

2835    Independent Bank, June taxes                                                   733.17

2836    Amy Haggerty, hall dep refund                                                    50.00

2837    CenturyTel                                                                                 85.92

2838    John Middleton, mileage-seminar                                                71.20

2839    Carquest                                                                                        .83

2840    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                          38.70

2841    Michigan Association of Planning, dues-Leonard, James            120.00

2842    Susan Schaedig, reimb internet access                                         19.99

2843    Great Lakes Energy                                                                  299.44

2844    Michigan Dept of Treasury, April, May, June 06 taxes               569.74

2845    John Middleton, replace check 2506                                           97.53



Theresa made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.



The board discussed the construction estimates of 1.4 miles of Mt Jack Road.   It was decided to send a letter of intent to secure consideration for construction of Mt Jack Road in the future and ask that the Road Commission follow up on the possibility of securing grants or anything else that may be available for this construction.  When the work is scheduled we will negotiate the township part of the funding.



Discussion with Rocky Wright for placing the guardrail in front of the well and to repair the roof.  He was told to proceed.


The next Township Association meeting will be held at Chester Township Hall on July 18th.


Discussion on Supervisor’s meeting with Richard Edmonds regarding future of planning and zoning department and county budget woes.


There will be a County Community Forum on July 5th to explain the millage on the August 8th ballot at the Elmira Township hall.


Diane F informed the board that not all home owners insurance will cover the use of liquor during the rental of the township hall.


There being no further business  to come before the board Theresa made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk





MAY 11, 2006


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on May 11, 2006 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Board members present were Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak, Clerk, Susan Schaedig, Trustee, Leonard Skop and Trustee, Theresa Plachta were present.  Treasurer, Diane Purgiel was excused.  Others attending were Assessor, Jill Kassuba and Ordinance Officer, Ron Geiger.


Leonard made a motion to approve the minutes as read.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.



Homesteads were turned in and balanced with Equalization

Looking to update more computerized photos

No Land Divisions

Leo Francis Tax Tribunal case is not off the docket

2006 Assessment Roll Totals:    Taxable Values:       66,148,924

                                                Assessed Values:     87,057,072

                                                Approximately:  1500 parcels


The board directed Jill not to send out the Agricultural letter but visit each site. 



Ron cannot locate the Northern Land Co owner, James Hall.

Dorothy has spoken to Walter Zaremba regarding Zarembas in Elmira.

There has been three separate complaints on a trailer.



Leonard reported that the board toured the town of Elmira to find the existing Right of Way of M-32.  Most buildings are 6 feet to 10 feet from the ROW.  The sidewalk is on MDOT property.


Gloria is working with Boyne City on compiling the Multiple Zoning Ordinance.


Sue made a motion to reappoint Duane Hoffman to Elmira Township Planning Commission.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.



CD  95,024.16    CD  64,000.00  CD  102,617.92  CD  100,000.00  Gen Fun  66,204.32     TOTAL  427,846.40



2770                                                                                                                                                                                                           VOID

2771        Theresa Plachta, Trustee’s Salary                                              116.75

2772        Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s Salary                                                 869.90

2773        Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer & Liquor Inspector                    219.99

2774        Leonard Skop, Trustee’s Salary & PC                                      226.75

2775        John Middleton, PC                                                                  110.00

2776        John Ernst, PC                                                                          110.00

2777        Jill Kassuba, Assessor wages                                                  1,434.20

2778        James Theisen, PC                                                                    110.00

2779        Gloria Torello, PC                                                                     130.00

2780        Duane Hoffman, PC                                                                  110.00

2781        Doreen Ostrander, election inspector                                         171.00

2782        Diane Purgiel, Treasurer’s Salary                                               869.90

2783        Diane Franckowiak, Supv Salary                                               662.75

2784        Elmira-Warner Fire Authority, Delinquent taxes                       4,359.18

2785        Diane Franckowiak, reimb use fax & computer                            25.00

2786        Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                                 54.30

2787        Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                     87.33

2788        Holton’s LP Gas  773.5l   Hall  498.76/FD 274.75                    498.76

2789        Barbara Fleming, election inspector                                            127.50

2790        Janelle Crawford, election inspector                                           131.75

2791        Waste Management                                                                     58.69

2792        Great Lakes Energy                                                                     19.54

2793        United States Postal Service, postage                                           39.00

2794        Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                          77.38

2795        Jill Kassuba, mileage                                                                  114.81

2796        Michigan State University, registrations                                       300.00

2797        Great Lakes Energy                                                                   294.69

2798        CenturyTel                                                                                  85.92

2799        Michigan Association of Planning, dues-Jack Middleton               60.00

2800        New Urban News                                                                       69.00

2801        Michigan Association of Planning, dues                                         60.00

2802        Susan Schaedig, internet reimb                                                     19.99

2803        Ann Moorehead, hall refund dep                                                  50.00

2804        Michigan Association of Planning                                                  60.00

2805        Independent Bank, May taxes                                                     697.75



Theresa made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Jerry Kyles has until June 21, 2006 to pay the bill for the cleanup, then it is added to the tax bill.


The Otsego County Road Commission gave two cost estimates for Mount Jack Rd.  The first is $444,045 which includes the placement of 3” of pavement with the entire project done by a private contractor.  The other proposal reduced the pavement thickness to 2-1/4” and partial use of a private contractor for an estimate of $384,720.


Board members will meet with the Road Commission on May 19th at 1:00 p.m. to discuss the Mt Jack  project.



The Township Association meeting will be held on May 16th at Charlton.


Leonard Skop made a motion to  purchase a butt receptacle for the hall.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk





APRIL 13, 2006


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on April 13, 2006 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Board members present were Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak, Clerk, Susan Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel, Trustee, Leonard Skop and Trustee, Theresa Plachta.

Others attending were Mark Rygwelski and County Co-ordinator,  John Burt.


Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes of the preceding meeting with corrections.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.



Robert Brown was added to the Michigan Tax Tribunal cases(2005 & 2006 Protests) but not yet scheduled.  Leo Francis received an order of adjournment at a February 9, 2006 telephone hearing.


No State Tax Commission cases.


After the 2006 Board of Review the adjusted Ratios are: Agricultural  49.91; Residential  49.46l  Commercial  49.35


The assessed value:  87,067,72    taxable value:  66,148,924.  There are 1500 parcels, 36 of them are exempt.


Jill stated that she is looking to reassess our Agriculture and Bill Kerr will assist as a service to the township.  She has a questionnaire that she would like to send out to assist her in accomplishing this task.  Jill is asking input from board members regarding this issue.  About 70 parcels would get this letter.



They are reviewing Boyne City’s master plan and will walk through Elmira to find the setbacks.



CD  95,024.16 / CD  64,000.00 / 5/3 CD  102,617.92  / Bank of NM CD  100,000.00        Gen Fund  48,340.49     TOTAL  409,982.5

CD 95,024.16 is coming due May 2nd.  Diane will invest for a 6 month period.



2737    Theresa Plachta, trustee-April                                                   116.75

2738    Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s wages                                                 919.90

2739    Ron Geiger, liquor inspector, Ordinance Officer                         219.99

2740    Roderick Wright, BOR                                                               50.00

2741    Leonard Skop, trustee-April, PC, Ass’n mtg                             276.75

2742    John Middleton, PC meeting                                                     110.00

2743    John Ernst, PC meeting                                                             110.00

2744    Jill Kassuba, assessor                                                            1,434.20

2745    James Theisen, PC meeting                                                       110.00

2746    Gloria Torello, PC Meeting                                                       130.00

2747    Eugene Fleming, BOR                                                                50.00

2748    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer’s wages                                              919.90

2749    Diane Franckowiak, Supv wages                                              762.75

2750    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       112.50

2751    Cynthia Prusakiewicz, BOR                                                        50.00

2752    Walmart, phone card, cable modem, misc food                           97.25

2753    Diane Franckowiak, reimb use fax & computer                           25.00

2754    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                    72.55

2755    Gaylord Herald Times                                                                 28.60

2756   VOID                                                                                                                          2757    D & H Excavating, snowplowing                                                 43.00

2758    Waste Management                                                                    57.92

2759    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    52.29

2760    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                                19.99

2761    Independent Bank, taxes-April                                                  687.34

2762    Susan Schaedig, reimb-Spring District mtg- Diane F                    70.00

2763    Great Lakes Energy                                                                  281.12

2764    Carquest, cleaning supplies                                                         55.05

2765    Fidlar Doubleday Inc. election supplies                                      151.25

2766    CenturyTel                                                                                 85.92

2767    Jill Kassuba, mileage, March & April                                        120.15

2768    Dunn’s Business Solutions, copy paper, copiers-maint              103.20

2769    Michigan Municipal Treasurer’s Ass’n, dues                               35.00



Diane P made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.



Mark Rygwelski(Complete Lawn Care) submitted his bid for clean up and lawn care in 2006. 

Hall:  repair areas and remove debris  $35.00  mowing  $60.00

Playground:  cleanup  $195.00    mowing  $60.00

Cemetery:  cleanup not to exceed $750.00 (25.00 per man hour)   $65.00

Pump House  $10.00


Diane P made a motion to accept Complete Lawn Care’s bid for cleanup and mowing for the 2006 season.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to pay registration, wages and mileage for the Spring District meeting in Belaire.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


Diane P made a motion in the form of a resolution to support the nomination of Old US 27 as a heritage route and requests and encourages the MDOT to quickly designate Old US 27 as a heritage route.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


AYES:  Diane Franckowiak, Susan Schaedig, Diane Purgiel, Theresa Plachta, Leonard Skop         NAYES:  None         ABSENT:  None


The next township association meetings are in Charlton-May 16, Chester July 18, Corwith, Sept 19.


Theresa made a motion to pay the membership fee of $35.00 for Diane P for the Michigan Municipal Treasurer’s Association and to pay the registration, mileage and wages for the schooling in Marquette on July 7, 2006.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.


Sue made a motion to appoint Doreen Ostrander as chairperson, Barb Fleming, Janelle Crawford, Dennis Schlack and Sara Schaedig as election workers for the May 2, 2006 Gaylord Community Schools and Otsego County millage election.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk





MARCH 9, 2006 


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on March 9, 2006 commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak, Clerk Susan Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel and Trustees Leonard Skop and Theresa Plachta were present.  Others in attendance were Ordinance Officer, Ron Geiger, Assessor, Jill Kassuba, Vern Kassuba and Al Bentz.


Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as presented.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.



Al Bentz informed the board that the District Health Department has thirty slots for health insurance for any person that does not have insurance.



Leo Francis case was heard on February 21, 2006 in Lansing.  The Commission agreed that the parcel in section 18 shall remain classed as residential.  However, they changed the classification on the parcel in section 7.  This parcel was already receiving an agricultural exemption for mileage therefore it will only show a class change only for 2005.


Michigan Tax Tribunal case-Norbert Skibinski  Jill spoke with Kevin at MTT and it appears that the case may have resolved itself.  Warner and Elmira Townships are assessing the home at the 40/60% respectfully.


Moeggenburg-Moeggenburg land division was over the 40 acre resulting parcels exemption.  Land Division occurred in 2004 no filing of any deed.  Building Permits issued in 2004 and 2005(Pole Garage and New Residence).


Jill requests a new calling card.



Ron reported that he had received a Notice of Unsafe Structure from Otsego County Building and Safety Department in regard to the property owned by Northern Land Co.  They have sixty days upon receipt of the notice to demolish and remove the unsafe structure.  Ron will send a copy of this notice to the township attorney.


Township attorney, Peter Wendling suggested the township purchase Form M77 from Doubleday, three copies which is a State of Michigan Uniform Law Citation.


Local developer, Scott Katke attended the PC meeting.  He is seeking to develop houses in the $100,000 to $150,000 range within Elmira.



Diane F stated that the Authority is continuing to write grants and she is working on the Policy & Procedures.



CD 101-120    95,024.16    CD 101-121  64,000.00   CD 101-224   102,617.92

GEN FUND  157,128.91      TOTAL   418,770.99 

TAX ACCOUNT  2786  1,193.78    2787  1,817.07   TOTAL  3,010.85


Diane stated that she plans on taking money out of the General Fund account and investing it in a CD.


Leonard made a motion to adopt a Resolution For Criteria For Poverty Exemptions, seconded by Diane P. and carried unanimously.

AYES:  Diane Franckowiak, Susan Schaedig, Diane Purgiel, Leonard Skop, Theresa Plachta.

NAYES:  None




2697    Theresa Plachta, trustee                                                113.70

2698    Susan Schaedig, Clerk                                                  845.50

2699    Leonard Skop, trustee                                                  273.70

2700    Diane Purgiel, treasurer                                                 845.50

2701    Diane Franckowiak, supervisor                                     694.25

2702    Nick Purgiel                                                                   15.00

2703    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                              63.63

2704    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                        88.52

2705    Vi Davis, hall dep refund                                                 50.00

2706    Duane Hoffman, PC meeting                                         160.00

2707    John Middleton, PC meeting                                         160.00

2708    John Ernst, PC meeting                                                 110.00

2709    Gloria Torello, PC meeting                                            180.00

2710    Gaylord Herald Times                                                     17.88

2711    D & H Excavating, snowplowing                                   667.75

2712    Great Lakes Energy                                                        19.54

2713    Michigan Townships Association                                     95.00

2714    Jill Kassuba, assessor wages                                      1,442.43

2715    Holton’s LP Gas                                                           530.24

2716    Waste Management                                                        57.57

2717    Dunn’s Business Solutions                                             108.78

2718    Jill Kassuba, mileage     272 miles                                  121.04

2719    Diane Purgiel, reimb postage                                           23.20

2720    Fidlar Doubleday Inc., receipt books                            246.27

2721    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                             75.00

2722    Ron Geiger, ordinance officer, liquor insp                      178.67

2723    The Bank of Northern Michigan, new CD              100,000.00        

2724    Cindy Prusakiewicz, BOR & class                                300.00

2725    Eugene Fleming, BOR                                                  250.00

2726    Roderick Wright, BOR                                                250.00

2727    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                   57.94

2728    United States Post Office, postage                                 78.00

2729    Gloria Torello, reimb flash drive                                     27.04

2730    Great Lakes Energy                                                     287.47

2731    Centurytel                                                                     85.80

2732    Diane Franckowiak, reimb meals BOR                          48.47

2733    Pat & Bud’s, BOR meals                                              16.32

2734    Independent Bank, taxes                                             802.92

2735    State of Michigan, taxes                                              574.39

2736    Syscom Central North, replace computer                 1,260.00



Leonard made a motion to pay the bills, seconded by Theresa and carried.



Theresa made a motion pay the registration, wages and mileage for the Cemeteries; Challenges & Solutions seminar in Grayling for the clerk.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


Susan made a motion to amend the general fund Board of Review 469.85 to come from the fund balance.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


Susan made a motion to amend the general fund Assessor 743.54 to come from the fund balance.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


Leonard made a motion to recess for the  budget hearing.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.  Recessed at 7:45 p.m..


Diane P made a motion to call the meeting back to order at 8:00 p.m..


Diane P made a motion to accept the budget as presented.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Diane F read a letter from Leo Francis in regard to his appeal to the State Tax Commission.


There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk





FEBRUARY 9, 2006 


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on February 9, 2006 commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance. 


All members were present.  Gloria Torello, Jill Kassuba and Al Bentz were also in attendance.



Al Bentz stated that the County has a new administrator, John Burt.  He also informed the board about updating Septic systems in Otsego County.



Gloria Torello explained that the existing zoning does not match the master plan so the PC is working on obtaining mixed use ordinances.



Jill reported no Land Divisions for the past month.  The teleconference for the Leo Francis case with the Michigan Tax Tribunal judge was held February 9th and the judge postponed a decision until after March 30th in review of State Tax Commissions hearing to be heard in Lansing on February 21st.


Equalization to receive real property assessment roll on February 13th or 14th.  Personal property roll to be turned in the following week.  Assessment Change notices will be mailed sometime the last week of February.  Ratio adjustments made.  Land value adjustments.  Consumer Price Index 3.3%.



Diane F reported that she would like to put a newsletter in the next tax bills informing residents about the fire department and its activities.  They are working on submitting paperwork for a grant for a fire truck from the Department of Homeland Security.



101-120 CD  95,024.16    101-121  CD 64,000.00   101-224  CD  102,617.92

Gen Fund   115,434.51        TOTAL  377,076.59



2666    United States Postal Service, stamps                                        195.00

2667    Susan Schaedig, mileage                                                          176.22

2668    Diane Franckowiak, Supv salary                                           1,049.15

2669    Susan Schaedig, Clerk's salary                                              1,174.50

2670    Ron Geiger, ordinance officer, liquor inspector                         169.99

2671    Theresa Plachta, trustee salary                                                 113.30

2672    Leonard Skop, trustee salary, PC mtg                                      223.30

2673    Jill Kassuba, assessor salary                                                  1,392.43

2674    Sandra Purgiel, deputy treasurer wages                                    115.00

2675    John Middleton, Jan PC mtg                                                    110.00

2676    John Ernst, Jan PC mtg                                                            110.00

2677    James Theisen, Jan PC mtg                                                      110.00

2678    Duane Hoffman, Jan PC mtg                                                    110.00

2679    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer's Salary                                              844.50 2680    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                        75.00

2681    Otsego County Township Officer Ass'n, dues, flags, Alliance     700.00

2682    VOID

2683    Gloria Torello, Jan PC mtg                                                        130.00

2684    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, PC,                                         152.00

2685    Diane Franckowiak, reimb use fax & computer                           25.00

2686    Waste Management                                                                    57.05

2687    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                    83.26

2688    Wal Mart, ink cartridge printer                                                    14.92

2689    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    19.54

2690    BS&A Software                                                                        445.00

2691    Gaylord Herald Times, minutes                                                    25.03 2692    D & H Excavating, snowplowing                                               323.75

2693    Independent Bank, Feb taxes                                                    693.33

2694    Unites States Postal Service, stamps                                           39.00

2695    Great Lakes Energy                                                                   293.32

2696    CenturyTel                                                                                  85.80



Diane P made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.



The board discussed the Kyles cleanup billing.  This will not be a tax and the township does not have to foreclose on his property.


Diane F reported that the Linda Gault matter had been finalized on January 26, 2006.



The seniors are requesting to place a pool table in the township hall and additional locked storage.  The board directed Diane F to tell the seniors that there is no room for a pool table and if they want additional locked storage to purchase their own.


Diane F made a motion to contract with David Carson for an annual water sampling at the township hall.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.

Diane P made a motion in the form of a resolution to adopt a Social Security Number Privacy Policy.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.

AYES:  Diane Franckowiak, Susan Schaedig, Diane Purgiel, Leonard Skop, Theresa Plachta




The board discussed internet service.  Sue will check into the current contract to see if the service could be dropped early with a refund.


Diane F reported that she and Leonard attended the Road Commission meeting on February 6, 2006.  The RC had North Camp Ten, Burdo Road and Mt. Jack on their list.  Mr. Roper will work up prices.


Diane F mentioned that the Elmira Beautification sign is down.  The township had not given any funds for the sign.  She will check into the situation.


Diane P made a motion to amend the General Fund Cemetery budget $682.20 to come from the fund balance.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Leonard made a motion to amend the General Fund Parks and Recreation budget $271.16 to come from the fund balance.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Leonard made a motion to increase the Ordinance Officer's salary from $50.00 to $100.00.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Theresa made a motion to increase the Assessor's salary 3% for 2006-2007 budget year.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion in the form of a resolution to increase the Supervisor's Salary 3% for 2006-2007 budget year. Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.

AYES: Diane F, Sue, Diane P, Theresa, Leonard,   NAYES:  None   ABSENT:  None


Leonard made a motion in the form of a resolution to increase the Clerk's Salary 3% for 2006-2007 budget year.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.

AYES:  Diane F, Sue, Diane P, Theresa, Leonard,  NAYES:  None    ABSENT:  None


Theresa made a motion in the form of a resolution to increase the Treasurer's Salary 3% for 2006-2007 budget year.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.

AYES: Diane F, Sue, Diane P, Theresa, Leonard,  NAYES:  None   ABSENT:  None


Leonard made a motion in the form of a resolution to increase the Treasurer's Summer Tax Collection Salary 3% for the 2006 summer tax collection.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.   AYES:  Diane F, Sue, Diane P, Theresa, Leonard

NAYES: None  ABSENT:  None


Sue made a motion in the form of a resolution to increase the Trustee's Salary for the 2006-2007 budget year.  Seconded by Diane P and carried unanimously.

AYES:  Diane F, Sue, Diane P, Theresa, Leonard   NAYES:  None  ABSENT:  None


There being no further business to come before the board Sue made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk






JANUARY 12, 2006


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township was held on January 12, 2006 at the township hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak  calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


All board members present with the exception of Sue Schaedig who was excused.  Ron Geiger and Jill Kassuba were also in attendance.



Northern Land Co was contacted by letter from the attorney, regarding the building on the corner of Webster Road and M-32.  The county building inspector will look at the building.  Attorney Wendling recommended that Ron issue another citation in person.  The taxes were up-to-date the last time Ron checked.


Dorothy Layman is going to take a look at the Zaremba property.



Maintaining the roll and building permits.  Jill will attend Board of Review Training in February.  The Numbers were adjusted on Ratios.  Jill will have a complete report for February's meeting.  Leo Francis will have a Teleconference in February.(Tax Tribunal)



There was not a December meeting.



The Emergency Squad vehicle donated by Star Township, Antrim County is up and running.  There will be an ad in the newspaper for bids on the old Rescue Squad.  Last call for the old Squad was December 11, 2005.  First call for the new(used) Rescue Squad was on December 20, 2005.



            101-120  CD  95,024.16            101-224  CD  102,617.92

            101-121  CD  64,000.00            GEN FUND   120,188.25  

                                                                      TOTAL  381,830.33



2635    MTA, registration BOR training 2-23-06                                   240.00 2636    CenturyTel                                                                                  88.92

2637    Theresa Plachta, trustee-January                                                 113.30

2638    Susan Schaedig, clerk salary, seminar                                          954.50

2639    Ron Geiger, Liquor Inspector, Ordinance Officer                        169.99

2640    Leonard Skop, trustee, January                                                  113.30

2641    Jill Kassuba, assessor                                                              1,392.43

2642    Diane Purgiel, treasurer salary                                                     844.50

2643    Diane Franckowiak, Supv Salary                                                619.25

2644    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                         112.50

2645    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C.                                          150.00

2646    Diane Franckowiak, reimb use fax & computer, convention         100.00

2647    Susan Schaedig, convention expenses                                          100.00

2648    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                      79.07

2649    Alpine Computer, USB cable                                                          9.99

2650    Mid North Printing, envelopes                                                     137.25

2651    Great Lakes Energy                                                                      46.05

2652    Dunn's Business Solutions, maint agreement                                   46.60

2653    Otsego County Equalization Dept, maint Oct, Nov, Dec              597.60

2654    D & H Excavating, Dec 05 snowplowing                                     505.25

2655    Waste Management                                                                       57.02

2656    United States Postal Service, stamps                                              78.00

2657    United States Postal Service, stamps- 14 rolls                              546.00

2658    CenturyTel                                                                                    87.10

2659    Holton's LP Gas                                                                          276.66

2660    Susan Schaedig, reimb-cert mail-taxes                                           10.24

2661    Great Lakes Energy                                                                     287.47

2662    Jill Kassuba, reimb mileage 249.5 miles                                        111.02

2663    Independent Bank, taxes-January                                                653.61

2664    Diane Franckowiak, reimb hotel-MTA convention                       411.63

2665    Syscom Central North                                                                 109.95


Leonard made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Diane P and carried.



Leonard asked about Jerry Kyles.  Do we submit a bill or not?  Diane F. will look into it.



The board looked over the budget.


Leonard made a motion to have John Ernst sit on the Otsego County Planning Commission Board.  Seconded by Diane P. and carried.


The Otsego County Road Commission will have its annual meeting with the townships. Available date is February 6, 2006.  Diane F. will contact them about available times.  Leonard and Diane F. will attend.


There being no further business to come before the board, Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Diane P. and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m..


Theresa Plachta, Trustee            Susan Schaedig, Clerk



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