~Minutes of Meetings~

Board of Review

Building Codes


Elections and Ballots
Hall Rental

Master Plan

Meeting Calendar
Minutes of Meetings
Pet Licensing
Planning Commission
Public Safety
Road Issues
Taxes & Assessing      (information is free to taxpayers but you must "sign up" to access)




December 9, 2004


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on December 9, 2004 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members in attendance were Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak, Clerk, Susan Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel and Trustee, Leonard Skop.  Trustee, Theresa Plachta was excused.  Township residents also attending were Ron Geiger, Al Bentz, Don Cherry and Sean Mason.


Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as read.  Seconded by Sue and carried.



Ron reported that he had mailed a notice of violation by certified mail on December 3, 2004 and thus far had not received a notice of delivery.  Sue will contact Dorothy Layman asking for direction on this matter.


He has received a complaint on Camp Ten Road.



As Supervisor, Diane Franckowiak is serving as a representative for Elmira Township on the Elmira-Warner Fire Authority and is also a member of the Fire Department.  She checked with MTA and can legally do this.  The board has no objection as to her representing Elmira Township.


Diane reported that the By-Laws were amended to have the authority’s budget year from January through December.  She explained that this will work better according to when the Authority receives their funds.


Lee Curry’s one year appointment is up.  Diane will contact Lee.  He has not attended consistently and she would like to replace him on the Authority.  Carl Essenmacher’s appointment is up in the fall of 2005.


Lee was appointed for a one year term in September, 2002 and has never been re-appointed by the board.  The board will address this appointment at the January meeting.


She stated that Matt continues to work on a grant for a rescue vehicle.



CD’s  95,024.16    &   64,000.00       Gen Fund  90,139.14     TOTAL  249,163.30


Diane reported that the tax bills had to be reprinted because of errors and there were still a few errors after the reprinting.



Diane Purgiel reported that the PC approved the Master Plan with amendments.  The PC will the leave the size of billboards at 72 square feet.  Other ordinances were checked and they are 80 square feet which is not far off from Elmira’s.


Diane reminded the board that she will no longer be Elmira board’s representative on the Planning Commission.  A new member will be appointed at the January meeting.


The next Otsego County Planning Commission meeting will be held on December 20, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. at the University Center.



Jill reported that the July BOR was not picked up.



Diane Franckowiak spoke with Craig Howell in regard to the Gaylord Gas refund.  He stated he would not charge a fee for picking up the gas tank and is charging a restock fee of .40 per gallon.  This was not made clear at an earlier board meeting and the board made a decision to change suppliers based on the information they had received at that time.  Total credit for the gas in the tank was 974.25.  Gaylord Gas will only refund 746.69.  The difference being 227.56.


Leonard made a motion to accept the refund of 746.69 from Gaylord Gas.  Seconded by Diane and carried.



Sue made a motion to appoint Eugene Fleming, Rocky Wright and Cynthia Prusakiewicz to the Elmira Township Board of Review.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to amend the general fund Cemetery $919.87 to come from the Fund Balance.  Seconed by Diane Purgiel and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to correct the L-4029,  Line 11, voted fire operating millage to 1.000 mill to be levied December 1.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.


Diane Franckowiak made a motion to renew the Sam’s Club membership.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.


Sue made a motion pay the registration fees and wages for Board of Review members, the Supervisor and Assessor to attend Board of Review training in February.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.


Al Bentz stated that the Board of Health passed a regulation to have smoking banned in all public facilities.



2173    Diane Franckowiak, Supv salary                                               711.16

2175    Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s salary                                                  820.00

2176    Diane Franckowiak, reimb                                                        136.18

2177    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer’s salary                                                870.00

2178    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                    62.85

2179    Leonard Skop, trustee                                                               110.00

2180    Jill Kassuba, assessor’s salary                                                 1,392.43

2181    Jill Kassuba, reimb                                                                    280.47

2182    United States Post Office, postage                                            111.00

2183    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       112.50

2184    Leonard Skop, reimb postage                                                      3.36

2185    Ron Geiger, ordinance officer, liquor inspector                          163.52

2186    Gloria Torello, PC meeting                                                          55.00

2187    James Theisen, PC meeting                                                         50.00

2188    Duane Hoffman, PC meeting                                                       50.00

2189    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer                                                   62.50

2190    Gillespie Lawn Care                                                                   50.00

2191    Dunn’s Business Solutions                                                           85.01

2192    Wal Mart                                                                                   36.65

2193    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    18.62

2194    Waste Management                                                                    61.18

2195    Warner Township, Maple Hill Cemetery                                 3,050.00

2196    Theresa Plachta, trustee                                                            110.00

2197    Century Telephone                                                                     87.22

2198    Great Lakes Energy                                                                  275.27

2199    Rick Smithling, hall deposit reimbursement                                   50.00

2200    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                    60.00

2201    Michigan Township Association, registration BOR-Feb             220.00

2202    United States Post Office, stamps                                              185.00

2203    Independent Bank, Dec taxes                                                    731.72

2204    State of Michigan, Oct, Nov, Dec taxes                                    540.65



Leonard made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Diane Purgiel and carried.


There being no further business to come before the board Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Diane Purgiel and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk






November 11, 2004


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board  was held on November 11, 2004 at the Elmira Township Hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Ralph Robarge calling the meeting to order with the  Pledge of Allegiance.


Members attending were Supervisor, Ralph Robarge, Clerk, Susan Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel, Trustee, Leonard Skop and Trustee, Theresa Plachta.  Others in attendance were Bob & Jean Brown, Diane Franckowiak, John Ernst, Jeff Purgiel, Assessor, Jill Kassuba and Ron Geiger.


Diane made a motion to accept the minutes as presented.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.



Diane reported that she had closed out one CD and rolled it into the general fund until November 14, 2004 and then put it into another CD. 


Theresa made a motion to accept a Full Service Maintenance Agreement from Dunn’s for the Savin 9918 DPE Digital Copier billed at .022 per document, 2,000 minimum per quarter or $44.00 per quarter.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.


101-119  CD @1.80    103,115.07         101-001  Gen Fund     154,166.05   = 257,281.12


Diane went over the changes the Planning Commission made to their By-Laws.


Diane made a motion in the form of a resolution to accept the revision to the Planning Commission By-Laws(Article II, Officers of the Commission, provides for duties and position descriptions).  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.

AYES:  Ralph Robarge, Susan Schaedig, Diane Purgiel, Theresa Plachta, Leonard Skop

NAYES: None      ABSENT:  None



Jill reported the ratios for next years assessment roll as follows: Residential 47.73

Commercial    48.42     Agricultural  42.24


Jill stated that she has prepared her first set of interrogatories vs Wolverine Power for the Tax Tribunal.  Elmira Township has been put in abeyance.  She may need $25.00 to file a motion with the State Tax Tribunal.


Leonard made a motion to issue a check for $25.00 to file a motion with the State in the Wolverine Power case if needed.  Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously.



Ron reported that Northern Land did not accept his certified mail and hasn’t heard anything from them.  He plans on issuing a citation. 


Ron stated that Jerry is cooperating.


Diane asked Ron if he would be interested in enforcing the Bill Board Ordinance.  She will get back with him.



The board discussed the Gaylord Gas charges and credits.  Sue will contact the manager and find out where the Township stands currently.  The board discussed taking Gaylord Gas to small claims court.


Leonard made a motion to take Gaylord Gas to small claims court in order to receive money back from having the gas removed from a full tank at the township hall.  Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously.


Diane made a motion to pay fees and wages for the New Officials Training.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


The Elmira Township Board of Revue members terms are up in December.  Appointments need to be made in January.


Bob Brown inquired about Eagle Point’s Special Use Permit’s stipulation stating that a light was to be placed at their entrance on M-32.  John Ernst will check into the situation.


The Michigan Township’s Association Recognition dinner will be held on November 30, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. at Corwith Township Hall.


John Ernst, Ralph Robarge and Richard Edmonds met with Jim and John Zaremba to aid them in solving the problems and paper work in rebuilding their business in Elmira.  The meeting was positive and came about when the Planning Commission held their hearing on the Master Plan on November 3, 2004 and the Zarembas raised questions concerning rebuilding on their old site.



2136    Ralph Robarge, Supervisor’s Salary                                          651.16

2137    Ralph Robarge, reimb use of fax & computer                              25.00

2138    Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s Salary                                                 870.00

2139    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                                28.80

2140    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer’s Salary                                               920.00

2141    0Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                  74.34

2142    Leonard Skop, Trustee                                                             210.00

2143    Theresa Plachta, Trustee                                                           210.00

2144    Jill Kassuba, assessor’s wages                                                1,392.43

2145    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       237.50

2146    Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer                                                 163.52

2147    John Ernst, Master Plan Hearing                                                 50.00

2148    Gloria Torello, Master Plan Hearing, PC meeting                       110.00

2149    Duane Hoffman, Master Plan Hearing, PC meeting                    100.00

2150    Jack Middleton, Master Plan Hearing                                          50.00

2151    James Theisen, Master Plan Hearing, PC meeting                      100.00

2152    Doreen Ostrander, Election inspector                                        202.50

2153    Janelle Crawford, election inspector                                          161.50

2154    Margaret Hall, election inspector                                               161.50

2155    Dennis Schlak, election inspector                                              161.50

2156    Patricia Robarge, election inspector                                           161.50

2157    B’s Family Café                                                                          30.58

2158    Herald Times                                                                            105.39

2159    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    18.62

2160    Waste Management                                                                    61.18

2161    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                                23.98

2162    Elmira Township                                                                  54,000.00

2163    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                    17.48

2164    Crossroads Industries, Inc                                                        270.69

2165    Holton’s LP Gas, Inc.                                                                 99.46

2166    Great Lakes Energy                                                                  281.65

2167    USPO                                                                                        74.00

2168    CenturyTel                                                                                 79.10

2169    Michigan Assessor’s Association, dues                                       75.00

2170    Michigan Township’s Association, convention regs                    451.00

2171    Independent Bank, Nov taxes                                                   729.29



Theresa made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously.


There being no further business to come before the board Diane made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 7:54 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk             





OCTOBER 14, 2004


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on October 14, 2004 at the Elmira Township Hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Ralph Robarge calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members in attendance were Supervisor, Ralph Robarge, Clerk Susan Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel, Trustee, Leonard Skop and Trustee, Theresa Plachta.  Others in attendance were Ron Geiger, Jill Kassuba, Al Bentz and Diane Franckowiak.


Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as presented.  Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously. 


Al Bentz informed the board of various meetings that were being held on issues of interest to the township.



CD 103,115.07         Gen Fund Independent Bank  56,709.73     Gen Fund CD  84,128.44


Diane made a motion in the form of a resolution to authorize the Treasurer and Clerk on behalf of Elmira Township at any financial institution to: open and maintain depository accounts of the Township, sign checks or other orders for the payment of money, withdraw funds from the accounts, endorse and deposit negotiable instruments or other orders for the payment of money and to allow the Treasurer alone to authorize the electronic, telephone or wire transfers to or from these accounts.  Seconded by Susan Schaedig and carried unanimously.






Diane made a motion in the form of a resolution to designate Independent Bank as a depository bank for Elmira Township subject to the Bank’s terms and conditions governing these accounts, as they may be amended from time to time, and subject to all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations.  Two signatures, the Treasurer’s and Clerk’s needed to sign checks or other orders for the payment of money and withdraw money from the accounts.  Allow the Treasurer alone to authorize the electronic, telephone or wire transfers to or from these accounts.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.






Diane stated that she is have problems with taxpayers paying taxes late.



Leonard made a motion to adopt a resolution in support of the ‘One Vision Land Use Report’.  Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously.





Diane made a motion to hold a public hearing on November ;3, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. at the Township hall for the Elmira Township Master Plan.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.


Theresa made a motion to have Crossroads Industries, Inc. print and mail about a 1000 card mailers for an estimated cost of 292.46 for the hearing of the Elmira Township Master Plan.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Leonard made a motion to increase the pay for the Planning Commission members from $50.00 per meeting to $100.00 and $130.00 for the secretary.  Increase to take effect for the 2005 budget year.  Seconded by Sue and carried unanimously.


Theresa has the Master Plan on line.



Jill reported that the Dale Smith case has been resolved to his benefit.  She has been preparing for the Wolverine Power Supply Case to be held on November 23, 2004.



Ron visited with Dorothy Layman, Otsego County Zoning Enforcement Officer.

She is working with Jerry in Elmira trying to clean up his property and will work with Ron on issuing citations. 


Sue read a letter from Dorothy Layman who stated that the District Court is requesting a list of township employees that have permission to issue citations so that badge numbers may be assigned.  She is available to meet with the board or attend any meetings to work on resolving zoning issues.



The gas has been pumped out of the Gaylord Gas tank.  T.J. Lancaster attended the September board meeting and stated that the charge for pumping the tank would be $75.00.  On 9-28-04 Gaylord Gas pumped out the tank and the Township was charged a $100.00 pump out fee.  Another invoice dated 9-30-04  was received in the amount of $375.00($.50 x 375 gallons) for labor to pump the L.P. gas into their bulk tank.  Ralph spoke with the manager, Craig on the morning of 10-11-04 and he said he would try to resolve the issue.  On 10-14-04 at 10:38 a.m. a credit of $100.00 tank pick up and $75.00($.10 per gallon) restock credit was offered. 


The board discussed the L.P. gas pumping charges and decided to pursue the issue further.


The Township has received a copy of the Stipulation and order for dismissal for the Lamar issue from attorney, Gary Rossi.


Ralph thanked Leonard Skop for replacing the broken leg on the picnic table located in the township park.


There will be an Otsego County Economic Alliance Meeting held on October 19th at 5:30 p.m. at the University Center.  It will be a growth management roundtable.


The sealing and striping of the parking lot has been completed by Skop’s Asphalt Maintenance.




Leonard made a motion make a change to the Policies and Procedures page 4-8, item 4.9(b) Reimbursement Rates, line 1 to the current government rate when the employee uses his or her vehicle.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Leonard made a motion to authorize any board member to attend the Michigan Township Convention in January, 2005.  The registration fees & hotel rooms to be paid by the Township.  Seconded by Sue and carried unanimously.



2101    US Postal Service, election postage                                            60.00

2102    Ralph Robarge, Supv Salary                                                     626.16

2103    Ralph Robarge, reimb use of fax & computer                              25.00

2104    Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s Salary                                                 820.00

2105    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                                21.00

2106    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer’s Salary                                               870.00

2107    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                  132.18

2108    VOID

2109    Leonard Skop, Trustee, Oct mtg                                               110.00

2110    Theresa Plachta, Trustee, Oct mtg                                             110.00

2111    Jill Kassuba, Assessor Salary                                                 1,392.43

2112    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       125.00

2113    Ron Geiger, Ordinance Officer, Liquor Control                          163.52

2114    John Ernst, PC mtg                                                                     50.00

2115    Gloria Torello, Secretary PC mtg, Sept                                       55.00

2116    Duane Hoffman, PC mtgs                                                          300.00

2117    Duane Hoffman, reimb                                                              143.38

2118    Jack Middleton, PC mtg, Sept                                                    50.00

2119    James Theisen, PC mtg, September                                             50.00

2120    Gillespie Lawn Care                                                                  410.00

2121    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    49.44

2122    Gaylord Herald Times                                                                 60.18

2123    Waste Management                                                                     60.40

2124    Keskine, Cook, Miller, Smith & Alexander, LLP, audit           3,480.00

2125    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer                                                  350.00

2126    Holton’s LP Gas                                                                       894.85

2127    New Urban News, subscription-Gloria-PC                                 79.00

2128    State of Michigan, taxes                                                            757.98

2129    Sandy Purgiel, tax bill assistance                                                  45.00

2130    Dunn’s Business Solutions                                                         759.30

2131    Century Tel                                                                                79.10

2132    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer PC                                           500.00

2133    Great Lakes Energy                                                                  263.40

2134    Independent Bank, Oct taxes                                                    685.26

2135    US Postal Service, election postage                                            24.00  



Diane had her copier serviced and Dunn’s was under the assumption that it was under contract and therefore serviced it.  The bill came to 717.30.  She stated she would never have had it serviced unless she had asked the board for approval.  She received a letter from Theresa Dunn explaining what had occurred.


Leonard made a motion to pay Dunn’s bill.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.


Leonard made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Diane and carried.


Sue made a motion to appoint the following persons as election inspectors for the November 2, 2004 election:  Dennis Schlack, Margaret Hall, Janelle Crawford, Patricia Robarge and Doreen Ostrander.  Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously.


There being no further business to come before the board, Diane made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m..


Susan Schaedig







September, 09, 2004


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on September 09, 2004 at the Elmira Township Hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Ralph Robarge calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members in attendance were Supervisor, Ralph Robarge, Clerk, Susan Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel and Trustees, Theresa Plachta and Leonard Skop.  Others attending were Diane Franckowiak, Al Bentz, Will and Justin Savory,  Assessor, Jill Kassuba and Ron Beagle.


Theresa made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.



Will Savory appeared before the board to update the completed project at Hallock Cemetery.  All the metal markers have been unearthed, split rail fences have been placed along the areas where cars were driving on grave sites and some brushing was also done.

The board commended Will for his efforts and it was noted that the Herald Times wrote an article on his scout project.


The meeting was recessed at 7:19 and reconvened at 7:29 p.m.


An ad was placed in the Gaylord Herald Times for Snowplow bids for the 2004-2005 winter season.  Sealed bids from Don Smith and Ron Beagle of Taurus Services  were received.  Don Smith bid the plowing at $43.00 per hour but no loader work.  Ron offered $42.00 per hour for snowplowing and $68.50 per hour for Loader and operator.


Leonard made a motion to accept Taurus Services, LLC bid for snowplowing for the 2004-2005 winter season at $42.00 per hour for plowing and $68.50 per hour for loader work.  Seconded by Diane and carried.  Mr. Beagle is to submit a copy of his workmen’s comp insurance to the clerk.


The board met with attorney, Bryan Graham on September 8, 2004 and resolved the Lamar billboard issue.


The township received three estimates on sealing and striping the hall parking lot.

Black Magic-$1,750.00; Great Lakes Striping-$1,550.00; Skop’s Asphalt Maintenance-$1,575.00. 


Skop’s was highly recommended by Standard Products and two township residents.  Sue made a motion to accept Skop’s Asphalt Maintenance bid of $1,575.00 to seal and stripe the township parking lot.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Ralph reported that the Fire Authority is willing to pay 22% of the sealing and striping costs($346.50).


Many issues were discussed at the meeting held on 8-26-04 regarding the Private Road Ordinance.  It was felt that the ordinance was too restrictive and was a tool to control growth rather than safety.  A committee of seven was formed to develop a questionnaire to be sent to each township to act on.  Members of the committee are:  Matt Nowak-Chairman, Mary Sanders, Gill Gilles, Debby Milbocker, Tim Baker, Tom Murphy and Mike Roper.


Leonard made a motion to accept the proposed bid from Holton’s LP Gas for $104.9 through 5-31-2005.  Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously. 


Lee Prince Jr of Holton’s LP Gas stated that there would be  a charge for a pump over fee of $75.00 but no additional fees.  Mr. Lancaster of Gaylord Gas had stated at the August 12, 2004 meeting that his company would charge $75.00 for a pump over and reminded the board there is a permit fee of $50.00.



Ron Geiger will meet with the county enforcement officer, Dorothy Layman to discuss their procedures in regard to the Nuisance Ordinance before meeting with Bryan Graham. 


The board discussed whether the PC should handle the enforcement of the Nuisance Ordinance.  It was decided that this should be handled by the township board.



GEN FUND Independent Bank  49,891.70   CD  84,128.44  101-119  103,115.07



Diane reported that the Michigan Township’s Association and the Michigan Society of Planning will be contacted to request copies of billboard ordinances that have been through the court system and the ordinance prevailed.



Jill reported that there were no land divisions and there will be two December Board of Reviews, both Homesteads.



Diane made a motion to accept the figures of L-4029 as prepared by Jill Kassuba on 8-10-2004.  Allocated .9035  Voter Fire .4516  Voted Fire Opr .2973  Seconded by Susan and carried unanimously.

The next Township Association meeting will be held on September 21, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. at Chester.



2063    Ralph Robarge, Supervisor’s wages                                          786.16

2064    Ralph Robarge, reimb use of computer & fax                              25.00

2065    Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s wages                                                 930.00

2066    Susan Schaedig, mileage                                                             12.37

2067    Diane Purgiel, treasurer’s wages                                                980.00

2068    Diane Purgiel, summer tax collection wages                             1,666.66

2069    Leonard Skop, trustee                                                              220.00

2070    Theresa Plachta, trustee                                                            220.00

2071    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                   42.29

2072    Jill Kassuba, Assessor’s salary                                               1,442.43

2073    Ron Geiger, Ordinance officer, Liquor Inspector                       163.52

2074    John Ernst, PC                                                                           50.00

2075    Gloria Torello, PC                                                                      55.00

2076    Duane Hoffman, PC                                                                   50.00

2077    Jim Theisen, PC                                                                         50.00

2078    Doreen Ostrander, hall cleaning                                                 131.25

2079    Waste Management                                                                    60.40

2080    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, PC                                          262.50

2081    Municipal Underwriters                                                          7,590.00

2082    Wal Mart                                                                                   85.29

2083    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    18.62

2084    United States Post Office                                                          104.00

2085    Gillespie Lawn Care                                                                  410.00

2086    Ron Geiger, reimb                                                                      50.75

2087    Dunn’s Business Solutions                                                           24.99

2088    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                        150.00

2089    Viola Davis, hall cleaning                                                            125.00

2090    Ralph Robage, Lamar meeting                                                    110.00

2091    Susan Schaedig, Lamar meeting                                                  110.00

2092    Diane Purgiel, Lamar meeting                                                     110.00

2093    Leonard Skop, Lamar meeting                                                   110.00

2094    Theresa Plachta, Lamar meeting                                                 110.00

2095    Skop’s Asphalt Maintenance                                                   1,575.00

2096    USPO                                                                                       171.00

2097    Great Lakes Energy                                                                   298.99

2098    Century Tel                                                                                 79.10

2099    Independent Bank, taxes                                                           907.25

2100    Shelby Appliance, repair oven                                                   190.90



Diane made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


There being no further business to come before the board, Diane made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:04 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk






August 24, 2004

Special Meeting


A special meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on August 24, 2004 at the Elmira Township Hall  commencing at 2:10 p.m. with Supervisor, Ralph Robarge calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members in attendance were Supervisor, Ralph Robarge, Clerk, Susan Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel, Trustee, Leonard Skop and Trustee, Theresa Plachta.  Others attending were Township Attorneys, Bryan Graham and Gary Rossi.


Motion moved by Diane Purgiel, seconded by Susan Schaedig to go into closed session pursuant to Section 8(e) of the Open Meetings Act, being MCLA 15.268(e) to consult with its attorneys regarding trial or settlement strategy in connection with the pending case of Lamar Advertising Company v Township of Elmira, United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan, Northern Division, Case Number 02-10310-BC, since discussion of trial or settlement strategy in open meeting would have a detrimental financial effect on the township’s position.


AYES:  Ralph Robarge, Susan Schaedig, Diane Purgiel, Leonard Skop, Theresa Plachta

NAYES:  None



The board went into closed session at 2:12 p.m.


The closed session was completed at 3:22 p.m.


Diane made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 3:22 p.m.


Susan Schaedig, Clerk






AUGUST 12, 2004


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on August 12, 2004 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:30 p.m. with Supervisor Ralph Robarge calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members in attendance were Supervisor, Ralph Robarge, Clerk, Susan Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel, Trustee, Leonard Skop and Trustee, Theresa Plachta.  Others attending were Diane Franckowiak, T.J. Lancaster, Craig Howell, Jill Kassuba and Mr. & Mrs Ron Geiger.


T. J. Lancaster of Gaylord Gas explained how he had arrived at the 1.19 per gallon for the 2004-2005 heating season.  He stressed that his company provides service.


The board did not make a decision at this time in regard to accepting any bid for heating fuel.  It will weigh the factor of the $75.00 pumping charge and the $50.00 permit fee.


Leonard made a motion to accept the July minutes as presented.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.



CD  103,115.07      GEN FUND  64,740.83     CD   84,128.44         $251,984.34



One Land Division:  Wilfred Matthews’ parcel 060-027-100-020-00 at 543l West M-32.


There has been 35 building permits for 2004.


No response from the Michigan Tax Tribunal regarding Dale Smith vs Elmira Township.


Jill will be preparing a Pre Hearing statement and an Evaluation Disclosure for the Wolverine Power Supply case scheduled for November.  These forms need to be completed by September 24th.  I will be going without an attorney but if it is necessary to have one at a later time Jill will inform the board.


Jill suggested that we should look into the matter of Old Tables vs New Tables and watch these cases closely to determine what the township would like to do.  Her suggestion is to be consistent with the other Assessors, unless we have due cause of other evidence that the Business has not reported correctly.  Jill is asking the board for permission for stipulation of value if it is necessary.


Diane made a motion to allow Jill to do what is best, using new or old tables, in regard to the Wolverine Power case.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Leonard made a motion to pay Jill half day per diem(50.00) for the Dale Smith case.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.



Ron reported the Webster Road case has been taken care of and he has received one new complaint.  He and Ralph will meet with the township attorney in regard to the Nuisance Ordinance, procedure and forms.


Sue is working with Rudi Edel to obtain the proper Municipal Infraction Notice of Violation and Uniform Municipal Infraction Citation forms.



Diane reported that the public hearing for the Master Plan will probably be held in January.  She will contact Mary Campbell to start the formal distribution process of the draft as required by law.  The PC has contacted the township attorney in regard to the billboard consisting of a wooden bed frame and sign placed on M-32.



Gary Rossi would like to meet with the Township Board in regard to the Lamar case.  The special meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 24, 2004 at 2:00 p.m.  The board will go into closed session to consult with its attorney regarding trial or settlement strategy in connection with the pending case of Lamar Advertising  v Township of Elmira.



The board discussed the Private Road Ordinance proposed by Richard Edmonds and revised by Mr. Roper of the Otsego County Road Commission.  Mr. Roper suggested a meeting with all townships, himself and Mr. Edmonds.  Ralph and Leonard will attend the meeting on Thursday, August 26, 2004.


Leonard made a motion to seal and stripe the township hall parking lot.  Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously.  Sue and Ralph will obtain a couple of estimates.


Sue read a letter from Huff Excavating dated July 19, 2004 that he will no longer be able to snow plow the township parking lot.  An ad will be placed in the Gaylord Herald Times requesting bids for the upcoming season. 


The board discussed the collection of personal property taxes.  In March of 2000 Diane contacted township attorney, Bryan Graham in regard to collecting small amounts of personal property tax.  Diane reported at the May, 2000 meeting that Bryan advised personal property taxes be assessed if known. 



2023    Ralph Robarge, Supervisor Salary                                            651.16

2024    Ralph Robarge, reimb use of fax & computer                             25.00

2025    Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s Salary                                                870.00

2026    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                               85.77

2027    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer’s Salary                                              945.00

2028    Diane Purgiel, Summer tax Salary                                          1,666.66

2029    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                   79.77

2030    Sandy Purgiel, assist with summer taxes                                      55.00

2031    James Purgiel, assist with summer taxes                                      24.50

2032    Leonard Skop, Trustee-August meeting                                    160.00

2033    Theresa Plachta, Trustee-August meeting                                  160.00

2034    Gloria Torello, PC meeting & class                                           105.00

2035    Duane Hoffman, PC meeting                                                      50.00

2036    Jill Kassuba, reimb                                                                     82.87

2037    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       100.00

2038    Ron Geiger, ordinance officer, liquor inspector                          163.52

2039    Cynthia Prusakiewicz, BOR                                                       50.00

2040    Eugene Fleming, BOR                                                                50.00

2041    Roderick Wright, BOR                                                              50.00

2042    VOID                                                                                     

2043    Doreen Ostrander, Primary Election Inspector                          255.75

2044    Martha Makarewicz, Primary Election Inspector                      144.50

2045    Carole Duhoski, Primary Election Inspector                             144.50

2046    B’s Family Café, lunches-election inspectors                              22.64

2047    Dave Gillespie, mowing                                                           410.00

2048    WalMart, office supplies                                                           18.40

2049    Herald Times, minutes publication                                              35.40

2050    Great Lakes Energy, street lights                                                18.62

2051    Waste Management                                                                  60.15

2052    BS & A Software, Equalizer program                                      420.00

2053    Gaylord Gas                                                                            130.79

2054    Accident Fund, workmen’s comp                                          1,702.00

2055    Jill Kassuba, Salary                                                               1,432.43

2056    Janelle Crawford, Primary Election Inspector                           144.50

2057    Independent Bank, August taxes                                           1,174.39

2058    Century Tel                                                                               84.34

2059    Great Lakes Energy                                                                 258.85

2060    Elmira-Warner Fire Authority                                               3,473.54

2061    Mister T’s Glass, repair hall door closure                                216.25

2062    Elaine Dobrzelweski, hall dep refund                                         50.00



Theresa made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Diane made a motion and seconded by Leonard to go into closed session pursuant to Section 8(e) of the Open Meetings Act, being MCLA 15.268(e), to consult with its attorney regarding trial or settlement strategy in connection with the pending case of Lamar Advertising Company v Township of Elmira, United States District court, Eastern District of Michigan, Northern Division, Case Number 02-10310-BC, since discussion of trial or settlement strategy in an open meeting would have a detrimental financial effect on the township’s position.





Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.  Re-adjourned at 9:45 p.m.


There being no further business to come before the board, Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Diane and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.


Susan Schaedig, Clerk






JULY 8, 2004


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on July 8, 2004 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Ralph Robarge calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members in attendance were Supervisor, Ralph Robarge, Clerk Susan Schaedig and Trustees, Leonard Skop and Theresa Plachta.  Treasurer, Diane Purgiel’s absence was excused.  Others attending were Ordinance Officer, Ron Geiger, Planning Commission member, Jim Theisen,  Diane Franckowiak, Kaye Pagel, Abe Cruz, Diane Axford, Suzy DeFyter and Sue Norris.


Candidates for the various county offices were allowed the opportunity to introduce themselves and speak about their goals.



Ron is working on three problems.  One is 75% completed and another has been ongoing for three years.  He also requested an ID so that he may be identified as representing Elmira Township as Ordinance Officer. 


Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as presented.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.



101-119 CD 103,115.07    Gen Fund 1st Nat’l  78,749.28   CD 83,711.03  = 265,575.38



Moore Power Electric has rewired the firemen’s office into the township’s electric panel.  Ralph spoke with Jay Gliwa, 911 coordinator to see if there was a grant available for the generator.  Jay is applying for a grant and Elmira would be included for about 50% of the township cost(3,000.00).


Theresa reported that the computer was up and running in the township office and ready for data to be entered.


Ralph faxed five companies for prices on L.P. gas for the upcoming season.  Holton Gas-$1.049 per gallon good through May 31, 2005; Gaylord Gas-$1.199 per gallon through May 01, 2005; Ferrellgas-First fill @$.90 per gallon then $1.22(average $1.149) fixed through March 31, 2005; Amerigas  $1.229 per gallon through July 01, 2005 and Ellsworth Farm Exchange, no response.  Tabled.


Ralph reported that someone called and reported a street light out at Martin Lake.  This is not Elmira’s. 


In May Ralph submitted a list of all street lights that Elmira is responsible for.  Great Lakes Energy Ondreia Felker provided the listing with the assistance of Layout Tech, Steve Erwin. 


The board discussed procedures for the Ordinance Officer.  Sue presented two forms for Civil Infractions-ML-M74, State of Michigan Municipal Civil Infraction Notice of Violation and ML-M75, State of Michigan Uniform Municipal Civil Infraction Citation.  Copies of these forms were provided by Kurt Knowles of Doubleday.  Kurt stated that these forms come in two parts but have to be purchased in bulk.  Sue will work on finding another source.  Matter tabled.



Planning Commission member, Jim Theisen gave the board copies of the Elmira Township Master Plan Draft.  He requested the Board to give release approval for the plan’s immediate distribution.  Governments adjoining Elmira Township will be on the list.  The Planning Commission hopes to hold the public hearing on October 26, 2004.


Leonard made a motion in the form of a resolution to give release approval for immediate distribution of the Elmira Township Master Plan.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.

AYES:  Ralph Robarge, Susan Schaedig, Leonard Skop, Theresa Plachta

NAYES:  None

ABSENT:  Diane Purgiel


Jim Theisen asked the board if the deed for Hallock Cemetery transfers to heirs.  The board indicated that it did.  Sue will look at the Ordinance for more specifics and mail a copy to Jim.


Sue reported that Bill Morey contacted her in regard to a few overturned grave stones in the old part of Hallock Cemetery.  He and his son placed them back on their pedestals.  Sue will check the cemetery and report the incident to the Sheriff’s department.



1987    Ralph Robarge, Supervisor wages                                             601.16

1988    Ralph Robarge, reimb use of fax & computer                             25.00

1989    Susan Schaedig, Clerk’s wages                                                820.00

1990    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer’s wages                                              820.00

1991    Diane Purgiel, summer tax collection wages                            1,666.68

1992    Theresa Plachta, Trustee-July mtg                                             110.00

1993    Leonard Skop, Trustee-July mtg                                               110.00

1994    Ron Geiger, liquor inspector, ordinance officer                          163.52

1995    Gloria Torello, PC meeting                                                          55.00

1996    Duane Hoffman, PC meeting                                                       50.00

1997    Jim Theisen, PC Meeting                                                            50.00

1998    Jill Kassuba, assessor’s wages                                               1.392.43

1999    Waste Management                                                                    59.99

2000    Moore Power Electric, wire fire dept office                               203.13

2001    M C Planning & Design                                                         1,873.13

2002    Dunn’s Business Solutions                                                           42.00

2003    Wal Mart                                                                                   72.14

2004    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    49.44

2005    Gaylord Gas                                                                             129.65

2006    Susan Schaedig, reimburse Quickbooks(2)                               399.90

2007    Theresa Plachta, mileage                                                             45.87

2008    Herald Times                                                                              28.32

2009    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                    52.91

2010    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       112.50

2011    Gillespie Lawn Care, mowing                                                   820.00

2012    Otsego County Equalization Dept                                              596.01

2013    State of Michigan, taxes                                                            533.76

2014    First National Bank of Gaylord, taxes                                        978.75

2015    Carquest, cleaning supplies                                                       117.50

2016    Great Lakes Energy                                                                  275.27

2017    Joe Nowak, hall dep refund                                                        50.00

2018    Kathy Beckner, hall dep refund                                                   50.00

2019    Susan Taylor, hall dep refund                                                      50.00

2020    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer P.C.                                         112.50

2021    CenturyTel                                                                                 65.47

2022    US Postal Service, postage-Treasurer                                       185.00



Theresa made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.


There being no further business to come before the board, Theresa made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m..

Susan Schaedig, Clerk





JUNE 10, 2004


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on June 10, 2004 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Ralph Robarge calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


All members present.  Others attending were Assessor, Jill Kassuba, Ron Geiger, Vern Kassuba, Diane Franckowiak, Linda Martin, Mike Anthony and Bonnie Nothoff.


The board heard presentations by Bonnie Nothoff, running for State Representative, 105th district; Mike Anthony, running for Otsego County Sheriff and Linda Martin, candidate for Otsego County Clerk. 


Theresa made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected.  Seconded by Diane and carried.



101-119  CD  103,115.07     Gen Fund  70,452.00    Gen Fund CD   83,711.03


Diane reported that the township received $4384.00 from the Metro Act.



Diane stated that the PC should have a draft of the Master Plan ready for the Township Board to read in July.    She also reminded the board that she will be resigning from the PC and that a board member should be considering to take her place.



No land divisions.  Fifteen building permits thus far for 2004.  Michigan Tax Tribunal:  Dale Smith vs. Elmira Township on Thursday, June 17, 2004 at 1:00 p.m. at the City Hall in Cheboygan.  Jill is prepared to back the Board of Review as well as her values. 


July BOR will be held on July 20, 2004.  There are six corrections.



Ron passed out copies of the ordinances to three persons.  Sue will check with the township attorney in regard to the next step of issuing a citation.



The permanent stand-by generator has been installed by Moore Power Electric and the gas has been connected by Gaylord Gas and fired up by Bridgestone electric and is working fine.


Leonard made a motion to connect the electric for the generator to the fire office.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.


The computer for the hall has been purchased and Theresa will install the software from the mapping.


Ralph spoke with Bill Kerr in regard to the Personal Property Audit.  He said it would most likely cost the township more than could be recovered and would not be cost efficient.  Diane stated that taxpayers are being more careful and putting on what they have to due to the publicity.  No action taken.


Sue reported that Will Savory will complete the fencing of Hallock Cemetery later in the summer.


The board discussed the playground and the concern regarding the play station.  The insurance company states that the township is covered by liability insurance. 



Sue made a motion to appoint Doreen Ostrander, Margaret Hall, Janelle Crawford, Carol Duhoski and Martha Makarewicz as election inspectors for the August 3, 2004 Primary Election.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Ralph is checking on propane gas prices for the upcoming season.  He faxed five companies for their prices.


Theresa stated that Elmira Township was sprayed on May 29th for the gypsy moths.


The next Township Association meeting will be held on July 20, 2004 at Charlton Township at 7:00 p.m..



1942    Ralph Robarge, Salary & hall rentals                                          701.16

1943    Susan Schaedig, Salary                                                              820.00

1944    Diane Purgiel, Salary, PC mtg, Twp Ass’n mtg                           920.00

1945    Leonard Skop, June mtg, Twp Ass’n mtg                                  160.00

1946    Theresa Plachta, June mtg, Twp Ass’n mtg                                160.00

1947    Jill Kassuba, assessor salary                                                   1,392.43

1948    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       150.00

1949    Ron Geiger, Liquor Inspector, Ordinance officer                       163.52

1950    Gloria Torello, PC meeting                                                         55.00

1951    Duane Hoffman, PC meeting                                                      50.00

1952    John Middleton, PC meeting                                                       50.00

1953    John Ernst, PC meeting                                                              50.00

1954    Jim Theisen, PC meeting                                                            50.00

1955    Ralph Robarge, reimb use of fax & computer                              25.00

1956    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                   56.58

1957    ING USA Annuity & Life Insurance Co, retirement                2,401.77

1958    Gleaner Life Insurance Society, retirement                              4,778.35

1959    VOID                                                                                                 

1960    Municipal Retirement Systems, Inc., fee                                    175.00

1961    Michigan Townships Association, dues, legal defense             1,052.19

1962    VOID

1963    Michigan Society of Planning, dues 5 members                          300.00

1964    Dunn’s Business Solutions, copies of ordinances                            4.80

1965    Carquest, cleaning supplies                                                       134.85

1966    Gillespie Lawn Care                                                                 435.00

1967    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    18.62

1968    Waste Management                                                                    57.31

1969    VOID                                                                                     

1970    Walt Jozwiak, hall dep refund                                                     50.00

1971    Peggy Kennedy, hall dep refund                                                  50.00

1972    Tap Industries, hall dep refund                                                   100.00

1973    US Postal Service, postage, clerk                                               74.00

1974    Circuit City, computer                                                               579.95

1975    Theresa Plachta, mileage                                                             18.00

1976    Moore Power Electric, generator & installation                       5,720.00

1977    Syscom Central North, repair hard drive, Norton, labor            199.95

1978    Jill Kassuba, mileage, 3-10 thru 6-08-04                                   120.75

1979    CenturyTel                                                                                 86.31

1980    Great Lakes Energy                                                                  278.92

1981    VOID                         

1982    Susan Schaedig, reimb postage-election                                       8.85

1983    First National Bank of Gaylord, June taxes                                653.30

1984    Fidlar Doubleday, Ordinance Book                                           112.78

1985    Brenda Lambert, hall dep refund                                                 50.00

1986    Diane Purgiel, reimb tax postage, stamps                                   570.17




Leonard made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Diane and carried.


There being no further business to come before the board, Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Diane and carried.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m.


Susan Schaedig, Clerk






MAY 13, 2004



A regular meeting of the Elmira Township Board was held on May 13, 2004 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Ralph Robarge calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members in attendance were Supervisor, Ralph Robarge, Clerk, Susan Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel, Trustee, Theresa Plachta and Trustee, Leonard Skop.  Others attending were Will Savory, Ron Geiger and assessor, Jill Kassuba.


Will Savory reported that he has completed the locating and uncovering of all the grave markers in Hallock Cemetery.  It took about 50 hours to complete this portion.  He plans on marking the road in the cemetery with cedar fencing.  Gravesites are being driven on now and he will place the fencing in those spots and on the turns.  Will is working toward his Eagle Scout.


The township board expressed their sincere thanks to Will and the other scouts for a job well done. 


Diane made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.



Jill has signed and returned the assessor’s contract for 2004-2005. 


Wolverine Power Supply is asking for a Stipulation for Entry of Consent Judgement related to the true cash, state equalized and taxable values for Parcel No. 062-900-014-010-00.  Jill recommended not to stipulate.


Jill said that Great Lakes Energy is also pursuing a stipulation.


The personal property audit was also discussed.  There is grant money available.  Jill was advised to find out how the other townships are handling it.  Elmira would proceed if the costs would be affordable.



CD 101-119  $103,115.07          Gen Fund 1st Nat’l    $83,334.15      CD  $83,711.03


Diane felt that Equalization is charging fairly for their services at $1.60 per parcel and that we should continue.



The PC is working to get a draft by June or July on the Master Plan.  A public hearing will be held once the draft is completed.



Moore Power Electric will install the permanent stand-by generator next week.  He will get the permits.


Leonard made a motion to purchase a new computer tower at a cost from $500.00 to $600.00.  Seconded by Sue and carried.


Ralph received a list of street lights in Elmira Township from Great Lakes Energy.  He drove by all the lights and they all checked out.  The Manglos Rd & Mt Jack Rd light was on the list but GLE informed him that the township was not being billed.



The Township Association meeting will be held on May 18, 2004 at the Bagley Township hall at 7:00 p.m.  The main topics will be Ground Water Protection & Water Quality.


Diane made a motion to donate $200.00 to the Otsego County Historical Society.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.


The easement agreement for the Elmira Township sign has been signed and needs to be sent to the Antrim County Register of Deeds with a $14.00 check.  Mr. Kazim of Young, Graham & Elsenheimer PC prepared the draft.


The MTA has sent an urgent message.  Both the House and Senate are considering concepts that would phase the Mobile Homes into the property tax system.  Mobile home park owners are trying to stop this.  MTA is urging all township officials to make it clear to our Senators and Representatives as to what our position is.



1911    Theresa Plachta, trustee May meeting                                       160.00

1912    Susan Schaedig, clerk’s salary                                                  870.00

1913    Ron Geiger, Liquor Inspector, Ordinance Officer                      163.52

1914    Ralph Robarge, Supv salary                                                      701.16

1915    Leonard Skop, trustee May meeting                                          160.00

1916    John Middleton, PC meeting                                                       50.00

1917    John Ernst, PC meeting                                                              50.00

1918    Jill Kassuba, assessor                                                            1,392.43

1919    Gloria Torello, PC meeting                                                          55.00

1920    Duane Hoffman, PC meeting                                                       50.00

1921    Diane Purgiel, treasurer’s salary                                                970.00

1922    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       212.50

1923    Sandy Tarbutton, hall dep refund                                                 50.00

1924    Ralph Robarge, reimb use of fax & computer                               25.00

1925    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                    56.19

1926    Walmart, copy paper                                                                  23.74

1927    Herald Times, minutes                                                                 35.40

1928    Gillespie Lawn Care, spring cleanup                                          912.50

1929    Fidlar Doubleday Inc, minute book, voter reg cards                   192.75

1930    Gaylord Gas, Inc                                                                      223.73

1931    Shiels Construction Inc. repair damaged shingles                         70.00

1932    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer PC. Easement-twp sign             136.00

1933    Waste Management, May 2004                                                  57.04

1934    Great Lakes Energy, street lights                                                 18.62

1935    Rick Smithling, hall dep refund                                                    50.00

1936    Sam’s Club, coffee urn, copy paper, phone card                       131.39

1937    Municipal Underwriters, balance of updated prop values             75.60

1938    Great Lakes Energy                                                                  267.97

1939    CenturyTel                                                                                 81.14

1940    Antrim County Register of Deeds, reg fee twp sign                      14.00

1941    First National Bank of Gaylord, May taxes                                656.66



Diane made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.


There being no further business to come before the board, Diane made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Susan Schaedig, Clerk






April 8, 2004


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on April 8, 2004 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Ralph Robarge calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members in attendance were Supervisor, Ralph Robarge, Clerk, Susan Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel and Trustees, Leonard Skop and Theresa Plachta.  Others attending were Al Bentz, Don Cherry, Rose Swank, Bob and Jean Brown, Ron Geiger, Miles Griswold and assessor, Jill Kassuba. 



Don Cherry complained about the enforcement of a cleanup in the Village of Elmira.  Bob Brown inquired about the correction of the Dismantled or Inoperable Motor Vehicle Ordinance wording in the Herald Times.  Since the Herald Times printed it incorrectly they reprinted the entire ordinance.


The minutes of the March, 2004 meeting were accepted as presented.



CD  103,115.07          GEN FUND 1ST NAT’L    69,299.41      CD  83,711.03

TOTAL    256,125.51



Jill stated that there will be a Board of Revue Tribunal(Dale Smith) held in Cheboygan in July.  There were two land splits; Edwards and Jaroneski.



Ron is following up on a problem from last year and has one new complaint.  He would like copies of the new ordinances.



Diane reported that Jack Middleton is doing well and that the Supervisor has to appoint members to the Planning Commission.



Ralph stated that Planning Commission members,Gloria Torello’s and Suzanne Bannister’s terms expire on May 31, 2004.  He recomends that Gloria be reappointed, as she has done an awesome job and is pleased with the time, effort and enthusiasm she has put into the PC.  Suzanne Bannister resigned and Jim Theisen was the only person that responded to the newspaper ads.  He believes that Jim would make an excellent replacement and recommends that he be appointed to replace Suzzane’s unexpired term and appointed to fill the next term.


Leonard made a motion to reappoint Gloria Torello for a term of three years to the Elmira Township Planning Commission and to appoint Jim Theisen to fill the remainder of Suzanne Bannister’s position which expires on May 31, 2004 and also to fill the vacancy for the next term of three years.  Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously.


Moore Power Electric bid $5,720 complete except for gas hook up for the 15 KW Generac Generator.  He would also handle the air conditioning and permits. Chuck’s Electric’s estimate for a 13 KW Generator was $6,550 complete except for the Generac generator pad and gas hook up.  Gaylord Gas estimated it would cost about $150.00 for the gas hook up.


Leonard made a motion to purchase the  15 KW Generac, stand-by generator from Moore Power Electric for $5,720.00 complete.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Theresa reported it would cost about $200.00 to replace the motherboard for the computer in the town hall.  It was tabled until next month.


Ralph contacted Melissa, construction coordinator for Great Lakes Energy to provide Elmira Township an inventory of all the street lights in the township.



Tom Deans of the Road Commission is to be notified about any road problems, such as repairs and maintenance.  A request for weight restrictions to be placed on Hallenius Road next year was faxed to the Road Commission.


The next Township Association meeting will be held on May 18, 2004 at Bagley Township hall at 7:00 p.m.


Several roof shingles had blown off the south side of the hall.  Steve Shiels replaced them.


Sue made a motion to place a 1 mill request on the August 3rd  Primary ballot for the operation and maintenance of the Elmira-Warner Fire Authority.  Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously.


Leonard made a motion to accept the Assessor’s contract from May 1, 2004 to April 30, 2005.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.  Diane did not agree.  The contract is the same as the previous year.


The second Economic Alliance meeting will be held at the Elmira Township hall on May 5, 2004 at 6:30 p.m..

The board discussed the new Data Processing charges.  Diane will check to see if the township could receive partial service.  The treasurer would print the tax bills and the assessor tax change notices saving the township some money.



1881    Ralph Robarge, reimb use of fax & computer                                25.00

1882    Ron Geiger, reimb                                                                        44.25

1883    Herald Times                                                                               21.02

1884    Dunn’s Business Solutions                                                            42.00

1885    Huff Excavating, snowplowing                                                      45.00

1886    Great Lakes Energy                                                                     49.44

1887    Waste Management                                                                     57.15

1888    Stellar Computer                                                                          30.00

1889    City of Boyne City, water sample                                                 14.00

1890    Gaylord Gas, Inc                                                                        213.33

1891    Otsego Conservation District, plat books                                    140.00

1892    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer Salary                                                   920.00

1893    Theresa Plachta, Trustee                                                             160.00

1894    Susan Schaedig, Clerk Salary                                                     870.00

1895    Ron Geiger, Liquor Insp & Ordinance Officer                             163.52

1896    Ralph Robarge, Supv Salary                                                       701.16

1897    Leonard Skop, trustee                                                               160.00

1898    John Middleton, PC meeting                                                        50.00

1899    Jill Kassuba, assessor salary                                                    1,472.43

1900    VOID 

1901    Gloria Torello, PC meeting                                                           55.00

1902    Duane Hoffman, PC meeting                                                        50.00

1903    Dan Sevenksi, hall cleaning                                                         112.50

1904    Jill Kassuba, reimb                                                                       34.50

1905    Otsego County Equalization Dept                                               123.87

1906    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                     67.03

1907    First Nat’l Bank of Gaylord, taxes                                               642.58

1908    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    314.50

1909    CenturyTel                                                                                   96.71

1910    Michigan Society of Planning                                                        95.00


Diane made a motion to pay the bills, seconded by Theresa and carried.


There being no further business to come before the board, Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Diane and carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.


Susan Schaeding, Clerk






MARCH 11, 2004


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on March 11, 2004 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:10 p.m. with Supervisor, Ralph Robarge calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members in attendance were Supervisor, Ralph Robarge, Clerk Susan Schaedig and Trustees, Leonard Skop and Theresa Plachta.  Treasurer, Diane Purgiel was excused. 

Others in attendance were Commissioner, Al Bentz and Assessor, Jill Kassuba were present.


Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as presented.



1838    Theresa Plachta, Trustee- March mtg                            110.00

1839    Susan Schaedig, Clerk                                      820.00

1840    Ron Geiger, Liquor Inspector, Ordinance Officer          163.63

1841    Ralph Robarge, Supervisor                                           701.24

1842    Leonard Skop, Trustee & Road Comm mtg                  160.00

1843    John Middleton, PC meeting                                           50.00

1844    Jill Kassuba, assessor                                                1,432.43

1845    James Purgiel, assist treasurer- 7.50 hrs                          75.00

1846    Gloria Torello, PC meeting-Feb                                      55.00

1847    Duane Hoffman, PC meeting-Feb                                   50.00

1848    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer, PC meeting-Feb                     870.00

1849    US Postal Service, clerk postage                                    74.00

1850    Ralph Robarge, reimb use computer & fax                      25.00

1851    Susan Schaedig, reimb                                                      9.99

1852    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                        79.37

1853    VOID                                                                         

1854        VOID

1855        VOID

1856        VOID

1857        Otsego County Equalization Dept                                  348.41

1858        Gaylord Herald Times                                                     58.20

1859        Waste Management                                                        56.85

1860        Huff Excavating, snowplowing                           146.25

1861        Great Lakes Energy                                                        18.62

1862        State of Michigan DEQ, water sample                 14.00

1863        WalMart, office supplies                                                 10.76

1864        VOID

1865        Municipal Underwriters of Mich, Inc.                113.40

1866        Gaylord Gas, Inc.                                                         150.93

1867        Pat & Bud’s, BOR                                                         13.88

1868        Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C.                            360.00

1869        Ralph Robarge, reimb                                                     89.25

1870        Roderick Wright, BOR                                     200.00

1871        Eugene Fleming, BOR                                      300.00

1872        Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                           112.50

1873        Cynthia Prusakiewicz, BOR                                          300.00

1874        Ron Geiger, Liquor Inspector                                          68.18

1875        Jill Kassuba, reimb                                                          86.85

1876        Michigan Dept of Treasury, 1st quarter taxes                 579.20

1877        First National Bank of Gaylord, March taxes                 712.69

1878        Centurytel                                                                       95.72

1879        Great Lakes Energy                                                      246.07

1880        Jill Kassuba                                                                    10.00                                                                                                        8,767.42                                                       

Theresa made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.   



Diane turned over the summer and winter tax roll on March 1.  They accepted payments postmarked through March1, without any interest and penalties.  She will be at the April meeting.

CD  103,115.07      Gen Fund 1st National  73,221.03   Gen Fund CD  83,295.69


Planning Commission issues:


1.      John Wiacek and Suzanne Bannister will need to be contacted to gather their plat books, County Master Plan books and the County Zoning Ordinance books.

2.      New plat books need to be purchased.

3.      Jack Middleton needs to be on the list to receive the Michigan Society of Planning.  He is doing a great job so far.

4.      We are currently working on the future land use map.



March Board of Revue:  27 cases-25 Real, 2 Hardships, 13 changes from protests

Five business’s protested their personal property tax. 

Assessed Value  $78,733,843    Taxable Value  $58,821,406

Prior to BOR  Assessed Value  $78,770,650  Taxable Value  $58,961,399

Ratio Factors:  Ag  49.46   Commercial  49.22  Residential  49.59



Ralph contacted three electrical contractors.  He met with two and received one estimate in regard to the emergency generator.

Gloria Torello’s and Suzanne Bannister’s three year terms expire on May 31, 2004.  The board is currently looking for someone to fill Suzanne’s position since she has resigned.  The only response to the ad was Jim Theisen(Paul Coon is also interested in the position and has been interviewed.

A.)  Planning Commission Terms Expiration Dates:  2004-Gloria Torello, Suzanne Bannister.  2005-Jack Middleton.  2006 Duane Hoffman.


Ralph stated that Gloria would accept another term on the Planning Commission.

No action taken at this time.


The board discussed the organization of the street lights.



Leonard and Ralph met with the Road Commission on February 23, 2004.  Weight restrictions for next spring on Allis and Hallenius Roads were discussed.  Elmira Township will need to send a letter requesting the restrictions.  Shoulder work will start in a few weeks, if any one sees erosion or pot holes on any road they should call the road commission.


Theresa reported that the computer in the township hall needs a new motherboard.


The City of Gaylord will host the next Township Association meeting on March 16, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. at the Fire Hall.


Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C. offers a telephone retainer fee arrangement.  The township may choose to pay a “telephone retainer” of $125.00 per month.  This would give township officials unlimited access to the office through use of the telephone, fax machine and e-mail.  The board reviewed past billings and decided not to use this option at this time.


The board reviewed and discussed the budget for 2004-2005.


Leonard made a motion that there will be no raises for any board member, assessor or any other employee of the township for the fiscal year 2004-2005.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.


Leonard made a motion to accept the 2004-2005 budget.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.


Susan made a motion to amend the General Fund-Township Board $1,241.61to come from the fund balance.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.


Susan made a motion to amend the General Fund-Asessor $1,134.07 to come from the fund balance.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.


Susan made a motion to amend the General Fund-Highways $3,524.35 to come from the fund balance.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.


Susan made a motion to amend the General Fund-Treasurer $689.53 to come from the fund balance.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.


Susan made a motion to amend the General Fund-Board of Revue $56.99 to come from the fund balance.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.


There being no other business to come before the board Theresa made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Susan and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m..


Susan Schaedig, Clerk






FEBRUARY 12, 2004


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on February 12, 2004 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Ralph Robarge calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members in attendance were Supervisor, Ralph Robarge, Clerk, Susan Schaedig, Trustees, Theresa Plachta and Leonard Skop.  Treasurer, Diane Purgiel was absent.  Others attending were Michael Rola, Linda and Amanda Gault and Assessor, Jill Kassuba.


Michael Rola, attorney for Linda Gault appeared before the board asking for a second request for passage of a resolution to also vacate a platted, unimproved portion of Garfield Avenue which was raised in discussion on January 8th when considering Ms. Gault’s request to vacate a portion of Jordan Street.


Leonard Skop made a motion in the form of a resolution that Elmira Township vacate that unimproved portion of Garfield Avenue, located in Block 4, Section 19, T31N, R4W, Elmira Township, located between Mt. Jack Road and Jordan Street.  Seconded by Susan Schaedig and carried.






The board reviewed the Gaylord Community Schools Summer Tax Collection Agreement.  The board was satisfied that all requirements of the motion made at the January 8th meeting were met.  Agreement signed.


Ralph stated that the road millage being requested by the Otsego County Road Commission has been dropped because the city must be a part of it and they have a millage.


The check for membership to Sam’s Club has been sent but Ralph has not received a card as of this date.


The permanent, stand by generator is still an issue but not being actively pursued at this time.


The board discussed the two errors in the printing of Ordinance #6 in the Gaylord Herald Times.  The Clerk was directed to contact the newspaper and have them reprint the ordinance.



CD   103,115.07       Gen Fund 1st Nat’l  39,257.25      Gen Fund CD  83,295.69


Sue read Diane’s note to the board.  She reminded the board that February 16, 2004 is the last day to pay taxes without any interest or penalties.


Diane enclosed a copy of the agreement with the Equalization Dept.  There is a .60-cent per parcel increase for the assessor’s full service and a .30-cent per parcel increase for the treasurer’s full service.  There will also be a 4% increase for each of the following two years(2005, 2006).  This contract is not binding.  Elmira Township may pull from this agreement at anytime.


Leonard made a motion to accept the Agreement for County Services provided by the Otsego County Equalization Department.  This agreement is from April 1, 2004 to December 31, 2006 unless terminated in writing or if the Township breaches any provision of it.



The board granted Jill’s request for her to print the Personal Property Tax Change Notices.  She will mail them by March 1, 2004.


The 2004 March Board of Review for Elmira Township is:


March 8, 2004       9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.   Monday

March 9, 2004      2:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.    Tuesday


Theresa made a motion in the form of a resolution to adopt the Elmira Township Poverty Guidelines Resolution.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.




Theresa made a motion to adopt the Federal Poverty Guidelines for 2004 Assessments and the Federal Poverty Eligibility Requirements for 2004 and 2005.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion that the poverty exemptions may be petitioned at the March, July and December Board of Revues.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.



John Mulvihill, attorney representing the township on the Lamar lawsuit has left the firm of Bailey & Rossi.  Mr. Gary Rossi has been assigned to handle the Lamar case.


The annual meeting with the Road Commission will be on February 23, 2004 at 10:00 a.m..


Leonard made a motion to reimburse James Theisen $660.00 for work on the assessor’s old and new laptop and advisement on other computer related questions.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.


Sue made a motion to accept David Carson’s Potable Water System Operation Agreement from January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.


Sue read a letter from Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C..  Effective April 1, 2004 the hourly rate has been raised from $120.00 to $125.00.  They also have telephone retainers.  The Clerk will contact them for further information.


Leonard made a motion in the form of a resolution to encourage the County Board of Commissioners to support the Personal Property Audit.  Seconded by Sue and carried.



Susan made a motion to adopt the Elmira Township Capitalization Policy.  Effective March 1, 2004, the Township will capitalize all individual assets with a cost of $1,000 or more.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.


The board discussed a possible wage increase and decided not to take any pay raises for 2004 due to the economy and revenue sharing decreases.


The board received Suzanne Bannister’s resignation from the Elmira Township Planning Commission.  An ad will be placed in the Gaylord Herald Times seeking applicants.



1790    BS & A Software                                                                     420.00

1791    Herald Times                                                                              42.48

1792    Huff Excavating                                                                        315.00

1793    Dunn’s Business  Solutions                                                          61.47

1794    Gaylord Gas                                                                             216.81

1795    Great Lakes Energy                                                                    18.62

1796    Carquest                                                                                    86.65

1797    Walmart                                                                                       3.50

1798    Waste Management                                                                    56.74

1799    Otsego County Equalization Dept                                              123.87

1800    Jill Kassuba                                                                                73.58

1801    Dan Sevenski, reimb                                                                     5.08

1802    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                  625.54

1803    Ralph Robarge, reimb fax & computer use                                  25.00

1804    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                       137.50 1805    John Middleton, PC meeting                                                       50.00

1806    Suzanne Bannister, PC meeting                                                   50.00

1807    Theresa Plachta, trustee                                                            600.00

1808    Susan Schaedig, clerk                                                               820.00

1809    Ron Geiger                                                                               163.52

1810    Ralph Robarge, supervisor                                                        651.16

1811    Leonard Skop, trustee                                                              160.00

1812    Jill Kassuba, assessor                                                            1,432.43

1813    Gloria Torello, PC meeting                                                          55.00

1814    Duane Hoffman, PC meeting                                                       50.00

1815    Diane Purgiel, treasurer                                                          1,310.00

1816    US Postal Service, postage                                                         37.00

1817    US Postal Service, postage                                                       518.00

1818    US Postal Service, postage                                                       111.00

1819    Gaylord Gas, Inc                                                                      205.75

1820    Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C.                                          24.00

1821    Ralph Robarge, reimb                                                               314.85

1822    Theresa Plachta, hall rental                                                          25.00

1823    Ralph Robarge, MTA convention                                              330.00

1824    Theresa Plachta, Jt twp mtg                                                       110.00

1825    Susan Schaedig, Jt twp mtg                                                       110.00

1826    Ralph Robarge, Jt twp mtg                                                        110.00

1827    Leonard Skop, Jt twp mtg                                                        110.00

1828    Diane Purgiel, Jt twp mtg                                                          110.00

1829    Great Lakes Energy                                                                  257.93

1830    Century Tel                                                                                95.72

1831    Otsego County Officers Association, dues, EA                         450.00

1832    David Carson, potable water system operation                         200.00

1833    First National Bank of Gaylord, taxes                                       844.89

1834    James Theisen, compute assistance                                           660.00

1835    NEMCOG                                                                               296.97

1836    M C Planning & Design                                                         1,389.93

1837    Christine Wells, hall dep refund                                                   50.00



Leonard made a motion to pay the bills, seconded by Theresa and carried.


There being no further business to come before the board, Theresa made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.


Susan Schaedig, Clerk             







JANUARY 8, 2004


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on January 8, 2004 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:07 p.m. with Supervisor, Ralph Robarge calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members in attendance were Supervisor, Ralph Robarge, Clerk, Susan Schaedig, Trustee, Leonard Skop and Trustee, Theresa Plachta.  Treasurer, Diane Purgiel was absent.  Others attending were Gloria Torello, Bob and Jean Brown, Linda Gault, Mike Rola, Ron Geiger, Gail Peters and Al Bentz.


Attorney Mike Rola, representing Linda Gault, appeared before the board petitioning the vacating of a portion of Jordan Street, a platted, unimproved section not certified as a public road between Garfield Avenue and Mt. Jack Road.  Ms. Gault desires to construct a residence on her property, but due to property size restrictions and the platted portion of Jordan Street is unable to do so.


Susan Schaedig made a motion in the form of a resolution that the unimproved portion of Jordan Street, located in Block 4, Section 19, T31N, R 4W, Elmira Township, located between Garfield Avenue and Mt. Jack Road is deemed vacated.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.





Leonard made a motion to accept the minutes as read.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.



CD  102,651.93   GEN FUND  36,339.16   CD  83,295.69


Sue read an informational letter prepared by Diane in regard to the townships collecting the school’s tax during the summer.  At a meeting on January 5th the following was discussed:  Reimbursement of $2.50 per parcel for all townships and the city to be paid September 15th  through September 30th.  The townships and the city keep the interest.  Fifty per cent of the Gaylord Community School’s tax only to be collected. 


Diane encouraged the township to vote on this issue and to put the stipulation that all townships, the city and the school board agree.


Theresa made a motion in the form of a resolution that Elmira Township will agree to collect 50% of Gaylord Community Schools taxes in the summer if all townships, the  city and the school board agree that the collection fee be $2.50 per parcel.  Reimbursement to be September 15th through September 30th.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.




James Purgiel will be assisting Diane with tax roll preparation, i.e. stuffing envelopes etc.



Ron reported that there has been nothing new.



Leonard answered the board’s questions in regard to the Otsego County Road Commission’s  request for a county wide tax proposal for 1 mill for five years.  It would be placed on the August primary ballot.  This money would not be used for maintenance but for upgrades and resurfacing only; money collected in a Township is spent only in that township and carried over into the next year if not spent; Township keeps the interest; Township will provide a list of roads to upgrade(local or primary); OCRC will maintain a running balance of the expenses and fund balance for each Township.  The millage would generate about $55,000.00.


A letter from Mike Roper was read.  He asked the township for a resolution of support for the County Wide Millage.


Leonard made a motion in the form of a resolution that Elmira Township supports the efforts of the Otsego County Road Commission to present a tax proposal for 1 mill for five years to be on the August Primary ballot in 2004 and for the tax to start in 2004.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.





Sam’s Club representative, Gail Peters explained the use of a business club membership.  Cost of the yearly membership fee is $30.00 and will be tax exempt.  Checks or a credit card accepted.  Ralph will be the main card holder but other board members may use it.


Prior to the board meeting the board and Gloria Torello of the PC interviewed Paul Coon and Jack Middleton separately for the vacant Elmira Township Planning Commission position.


The board discussed the interviews and also asked for Gloria’s recommendation.  Leonard made a motion to appoint Jack Middleton to the Elmira Township PC.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.


The Nuisance Ordinances have been published in the Gaylord Herald Times.  Bob Brown brought it to the board’s attention that there were errors in the printing of the ordinances.



Leonard made a motion to allow any Board of Review member, assessor and the Supervisor to attend the BOR training, Session A ,on February 17, 2004 at the Grayling Holiday Inn from 1:00 p.m. till 4:00 p.m..  Wages, mileage and registration to be paid by the township.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.


The next township association meeting will be held on January 20th at Otsego Lake Township hall. 


The Elmira-Warner joint township meeting will be held on January 15th at 7:00 p.m.


The Otsego County Economic Alliance will hold meetings on January 19th at 5:30 p.m., February 17th at 5:30 p.m. and March 15th at 5:30 p.m..


Sue made a motion to amend the General Fund-Township Board $7,500 to come from the fund balance.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.



1753    James Purgiel, assist treasurer                                                     42.50

1754    Roderick Wright, BOR-December                                             50.00

1755    Theresa Plachta, Trustee-Jan mtg                                             110.00

1756    Susan Schaedig, Clerk                                                             820.00

1757    Sandra Purgiel, assist treasurer                                                 140.00

1758    Ron Geiger, ordinance officer    , Liquor Insp                           163.52

1759    Ralph Robarge, Supv                                                               601.16

1760    Leonard Skop,Trustee, Jan mtg                                                160.00

1761    Jill Kassuba, assessor                                                            1,392.43

1762    Eugene Fleming, BOR                                                                50.00

1763    Diane Purgiel, Treasurer                                                           820.00

1764    Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                     112.50

1765    Cynthia Prusakiewicz, BOR                                                      50.00

1766    Dunn’s Business Solutions                                                         42.00

1767    Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                                  66.85

1768    Waste Management                                                                  56.57

1769    Gaylord Gas, Inc                                                                      99.95

1770    Herald Times                                                                          680.13

1771    Wal Mart                                                                                   5.06

1772    Great Lakes Energy                                                                124.70

1773    Huff Excavating, snowplowing                                                 146.25

1774    U.S. Postal Service, postage                                                   111.00

1775    Ralph Robarge, reimb fax & computer                                      25.00

1776    Warner Township, Maple Hill Cemetery mowings                   200.00

1777    Young, Graham, Elsenheimer, P.C.                                             8.00

1778    First National Bank of Gaylord, Dec taxes                               655.55

1779    Diane Purgiel, meals MTA convention                                     100.00

1780    Theresa Plachta, meals MTA convention                                 100.00

1781    Ralph Robarge, meals MTA convention                                  100.00

1782    Sam’s Club, primary business membership                                30.00

1783    Otsego County Equalization Dept, Dec maint                          123.87

1784    State of Michigan, Oct, Nov, Dec taxes                                  515.70

1785    CenturyTel                                                                               95.72

1786    Jennie Techel, hall dep refund                                                   50.00

1787    Great Lakes Energy                                                                267.05

1788    Michigan Township’s Association, BOR training                      280.00

1789    First National Bank of Gaylord                                                650.07



Leonard made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.


There being no further business to come before the board, Leonard made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Theresa and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.



Susan Schaedig, Clerk


























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