~Minutes of Meetings~

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Meeting Minutes, NOVEMBER 14, 2002






 A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on November 14, 2002 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Ralph Robarge calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members in attendance were Supervisor, Ralph Robarge, Clerk, Susan Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel, Trustee, Leonard Skop and Trustee, Theresa Plachta.  Township Attorney, Bryan Graham, Township Assessor, Jill Kassuba and Township Ordinance Officer, Ron Geiger also attended.  Three residents were present.



Attorney Bryan Graham suggested and outlined different options the board has in regard to the Curbside Trash Pickup Ordinance.  It may be repealed.  The board can leave the ordinance in place with modifications and put the issue on the ballot for voter approval or have a special assessment district.  The ordinance could be left in place and no action taken. 


Bob Brown appeared before the board asking for the Board to pass a resolution to rescind the Garbage Ordinance.  He referred to a letter addressed to Supervisor, Ralph Robarge from Susan Topp, attorney for the Concerned Citizens of Elmira Township. The Citizens also requested that the Garbarge Ordinance be repealed by an ordinance specifically repealing the Garbage Ordinance.  He also addressed recycling issues, his concern about monopolies and the possibility of a shorter contract.


 Mr. Brown asked the board to consider reimbursement to the Concerned Citizens of Elmira Township for the cost of legal fees($991.38) since their action aided the township.  Mr. Graham confirmed Ralph’s response that the Township is not allowed to reimburse the Citizens since it did not engage that attorney for legal advice.


The Board discussed the Trash issue and decided to bring the issue up at the January meeting.  An ad will be placed in the newspaper requesting information for bidders ie per bag pickup, snowbirds, large items, recycling, minimum voluntary sign up etc..  Out of county haulers will be contacted.


Leonard and Diane met with Gary Rossi, township attorney for the Lamar Advertising lawsuit.  Mr. Rossi will come to the December meeting and meet with the board in closed session.


Leonard made a motion not to proceed with the installation of a street light at M-32 and Flott Road.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.



Meeting Minutes, October 10, 2002





OCTOBER 10, 2002


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on October 10, 2002 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Ralph Robarge calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


 Members in attendance were Supervisor, Ralph Robarge, Clerk, Susan Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel, Trustees, Theresa Plachta and Leonard Skop.  Several others were in attendance.



Brian Graham, township attorney apologized to the board in regard to the legal advice for the Garbage Collection Ordinance.  The mandatory service fee causes a problem with the law and therefore cannot be placed on the tax roll.  In order for the township to raise money for the services a tax would have to be voted upon and all properties, real and personal would be included.  Other ways would be to have a Special

Assessment District or a voluntary recognized fee. 


Brian advised the board not to sign the contract with Waste Management and offered legal help at no charge. 


Leonard made a motion to allow Susan Topp and Robert Brown to be on the agenda.  Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously.


Attorney, Susan Topp representing some concerned citizens of Elmira Township stated that the collection of taxes for the garbage ordinance was unconstitutional.


Bob Brown stated that he was not in favor of the Garbage Collection Ordinance or a special assessment and would like to have a right to chose.  He suggested that the board rescind the garbage collection ordinance and publish in the newspaper.


Several other residents commented on the curb side trash pick up.


Diane made a motion to put a hold on the implementation of the garbage collection ordinance, table any action until the next meeting in November and not sign any contract with Waste Management.


Gary Rossi, township attorney for the Lamar Advertising issue will meet with two board members on October 18th at 11:00 a.m. at the township hall.


The Elmira-Warner Authority becomes effective October 01, 2002.


Diane made a motion to accept the minutes as presented.



CD #129000455         97,443.37       

CD #4522122672     75,000.00

General Fund 1st Nat’l    16,313.45   

CD     44,351.57   

Fire Fund 1st Nati’l  1,470.04

Tax Acc’t 1’st Nat’l  2,500.83           

TOTAL 237,079.26


Diane reported that the Planning Commission is awaiting information from NEMCOG in regard to the development of a master plan for Elmira.



Land Divisions:  Norman Cook on Vega Road approved   060-022-400-015-01


Tribunals:  MTT Docket 0276843 Wolverine Power vs Elmira Township petitioned to amend to include the tax year, 2002


Jill is attending a class Live by the Rules, Die by the Rules at Sylvan this week.


Eagle Point has recorded their Master Deed.  Elmira Township is continuing to grow.


December Board of Review will be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2002.  The file has been organized and corrections are being made as they come in.  There are seven thus far.



Ron reported that the six vehicles have been removed on one complaint and he is still working on one that has a foreclosure.



Leonard made a motion to accept Huff Excavating bid  for snowplowing  for the 2002-2003 season:  Plowing fire hall and township hall    $45.00/hr

                                Clear lots during business hours         $45.00/hr

                                Pile snow with loader                         $70.00/hr

Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously.


Casimer Makarewicz requested the board to consider placing a street light at Flott and M 32.  Great Lakes Energy will be contacted to ask for costs.  The matter was tabled until cost information is received.


Sue made a motion to donate $100.00 to the Historical Society.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


The board discussed the placing of a concrete barrier near the township hall doors.


Sue made a motion to appoint the following persons as election inspectors for the General Election on November 5, 2002:  Doreen Ostrander, chairperson, Barb Fleming, inspector, Peggy Hall, inspector and Janelle Crawford, inspector. Seconded by Diane and  carried unanimously.


The board addressed Mary Michaelsen’s question in regard to per dium pay to the Elmira Township trustees.


Robert Brown asked that consideration be given for reimbursement for attorney fees to the Concerned Citizens in regard to the Garbage Ordinance issue. 



1208  Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                                                  77.20

1209  Theresa Plachta, trustee                                                     210.00

1210  Suzzanne Bannister, PC mtg                                                50.00

1211  Susan Schaedig, clerk                                                       846.08

1212  Ron Geiger, ordinance officer, liquor inspector                   158.71

1213  Leonard Skop, trustee, several meetings                            305.51

1214  Jill Kassuba, assessor, one land division                          1,366.16

1215  Gloria Torello, PC mtg                                                       55.00

1216  Diane Purgiel, treasurer                                                     896.08

1217  Gillespie Lawn Care                                                         145.00

1218  Diane Purgiel, reimb                                                         127.19

1219  Otsego County Data Processing                                         88.13

1220  Dunn’s Business Solutions, copies for FOIA, trash ord       15.94

1221  Carquest, hall cleaning supplies                                           52.50

1222  Waste Management                                                            50.71

1223  Ralph Robarge, reimb fax, computer, postage                     33.84

1224  John Wiacek, PC mtg                                                        50.00

1225  John Ernst, PC mtg                                                            50.00

1226  Duane Hoffman, PC mtg                                                    50.00

1227  Susan Schaedig, reimb postage                                           30.55

1228  Wal Mart, 2 fax cartridges                                                  55.68

1229  Great Lakes Energy                                                           10.45

1230  Otsego County Road Commission                                 2,000.00

1231  Ralph Robarge, Supv                                                       633.66

1232  First Nat’l Bank of Gaylord, taxes                                    615.08

1233  Gaylord Gas                                                                      51.99

1234  CenturyTel                                                                         98.79

1235  Otsego County Historical Society                                     100.00

1236  Jill Kassuba, reimb Aug, September                                   75.96

1237  Great Lakes Energy                                                          293.71

1238  US Postal Service, postage assessor                                   37.00




5105    Kirk Sevenski, 3rd quarter runs                                         57.75

5106   Scott Niedling, 3rd quarter runs                                          66.00

5107    Ralph Robarge, Fire board mtg                                         30.00

5108    Norbert Puroll, 3rd quarter runs                                        44.00

5109    Margaret Kennedy, 3rd quarter runs                                205.25

5110    Leslie Brown, 3rd quarter runs                                          11.00

5111    Lee Curry, fire board mtg                                                 30.00

5112    Ken Figiel, chief, 3rd quarter runs, training                       353.75

5113    Keith Rusnell, 3rd quarter runs, training                             76.00

5114    Jeremiah Coon, 3rd quarter runs, training                         164.00

5115    Eric Kennedy, 3rd quarter runs, training                           166.75

5116    Ed Coon, 3rd quarter runs, training                                  175.00

5117    Don Franckowiak, Ass’t Chief, training, fire board           454.00

5118    Don Cherry, 3rd quarter runs, training                              178.25

5119    Diane Franckowiak, EMS Co-ord, runs, FB, trng            437.50

5120    Carl Essenmacher, fire board mtg                                      30.00

5121    Alan Franckowiak, training runs                                       159.50

5122    First Nat’l Bank of Gaylord, taxes                                   581.03

5123    Pat & Bud’s, fuel                                                              66.27

5124    Clarey’s Safety Equipment Inc                                         244.00

5125    Cellular One                                                                      26.07

5126    Gillespie Lawn Care                                                            7.00

5127    Gaylord Gas                                                                     73.86

5128    CenturyTel                                                                        45.72

5129    Great Lakes Energy                                                        110.11

5130    CellularOne                                                                       12.94





Diane made a motion to pay the bills, seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


There being no further business to come before the board, Diane made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.




Meeting Minutes, September 12, 2002


September 12, 2002


A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on September 12, 2002 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Ralph Robarge calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members in attendance were Supervisor, Ralph Robarge, Clerk, Susan Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel, Trustees Leonard Skop and Theresa Plachta.  Township Attorney, Peter Wendling, Assessor, Jill Kassuba, County Commissioner, Al Bentz and several township residents were also in attendance.




Township residents voiced their concerns and questions in regard to the curbside trash pickup ordinance. 

Bob Brown directed several questions to the board in regard to the trash ordinance.  Ralph suggested to Bob to put the questions in writing and send them to the board. 



Attorney Wendling explained to the board the differences between enacting an ordinance or having a special assessment for the trash pickup service. 


Diane asked for more time before voting on the issue.


Leonard made a motion in the form of a resolution to pass an ordinance for the collection of garbage, refuse, residential refuse, residential yard waste, rubbish and household appliances and enter into agreement with Waste Management to provide sanitation services to the residents of Elmira Township on a weekly basis for a period of five years.






Midwest Claims Service, township insurance company has appointed Law Offices of Bailey & Rossi and attorney, Gary Rossi to represent Elmira Township in regard to Lamar Advertising Co..


The board reviewed the revised Articles of Incorporation for the Fire Authority Agreement that was revised at a special meeting on August 14, 2002.


Diane made a motion in the form of a resolution to accept the intergovernmental agreement creating the Elmira-Warner Fire Authority.  Seconded by Leonard and carried.






Leonard made a motion to appoint Lee Curry for one year and Carl Essenmacher for three years to represent Elmira Township on the Elmira-Warner Fire Authority.


A letter from Keskine, Cook, Miller, Smith & Alexander, LLP pertaining to the 2001 audit was read.  It noted that the township experienced an over expenditure of $421.00 for the year ended March 31, 2002 and recommended to analyze the budget on a regular basis and amend as the need arises.


Tom Deans of the OCRC invited any board member to meet with him on Friday, September 13th on a drive through Camp Ten Road.


The Board of Commissioners, at the 9/10/02 meeting, agreed to change zoning to permit accessory buildings on vacant land without a house for personal possessions and non-commercial activities.  These structures shall not be used as residences.


Theresa made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected.  Seconded by Diane and carried.




Mary Michaelson asked for permission to use the hall for a quilt guild.

 Diane made a motion to allow the Quilt Guild the use of the township hall for $20.00 per month.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Adam Gandolphi of the Michigan Township Participating Plan stated that the township insurance for 2002/2003 went up a modest $2000.00.  He has seen other policies increase a lot higher.


Commissioner Al Bentz discussed the possible cuts in the budget that the county is faced with.


Diane made a motion to pay registration fees, mileage and wages for the treasurer to attend a seminar on Summer Tax Collection on October 23rd in St. Ignace.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to pay registration fees, mileage and wages for the Clerk’s Election Accreditation class held in Grand Rapids on October 17, 2002.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


A developer is in the process of making land divisions on property north of Martindale Road.  Four hundred fifty feet of Shaff Road, which is presently a seasonal road must be brought up to minimum Road Commission Standards for snow plowing.  The owner will pay 100% of the costs.


The Otsego Conservation District’s Fall tour will be held on September 30, 2002 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. with lunch at the Old Depot Restaurant.  RSVP 732-4021


The State boiler inspector tagged the boiler because a permit was not obtained by the installer.  He will visit Gaylord Gas.  Mops and any flammable items should not be stored in the furnace room.


Leonard made a motion to accept the bid from Hangin In There to prep and paint four over head doors and three service doors for a total of 537.40.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


Diane made a motion to allow any board member to attend the MTA Educational Convention in Detroit in January 2003.  Registration fees, transportation, hotel, per dium and $100.00 for meals per person to be paid by the township.  Seconded by Sue and carried unanimously.


Michigan Dept of Transportation will conduct a workshop at the OCRC at 9:00 a.m. on October 09, 2002 .  Topics: Future MDOT sponsored projects, future local projects, coordination of projects, improved communications between MDOT and local agencies, sharing of goals, concerns and needs and community transportation needs.


Township Association meeting to be held on September 17th at Bagley Twp Hall.



CD 101-117  #129000455    97,443.37     101-118 4522122672     75,000.00 Gen Fund 1st Nat’l   25,184.00   Gen Fund CD 44,351.57      Fire Fund 1st Nat’l  3,908.29  7010001 Tax Acct 1st Nat’1 2,498.58       TOTAL  248,385.81



Approved the draft billboard ordinance and application without the drawings.  The next Planning Commission meeting will be held on




No Land Divisions.  Continue to work on the Wycoff split.  There are several unfinished buildings. 


Meeting Minutes, August 8, 2002


August 8, 2002

A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on August 8, 2002 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Ralph Robarge calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Members in attendance were Supervisor, Ralph Robarge, Clerk Susan Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel, Trustee, Leonard Skop and Trustee, Theresa Plachta.  Several others were in attendance.  Diane made a motion to accept the minutes as presented.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.

Commissioner, Al Bentz reported on the defeat of the county millage.  The income from,the sale of the dump was earmarked for capital improvements only.


Ralph gave a brief history of the curb side garbage pick up.  Mr. Ensing Kam of Kam’s Sanitation addressed the board on the issue of the garbage pick up.  Several residents also voiced their concerns.  Among these were: Private road pickup, recycling , seasonal pickup, provide containers, not enough information in letter, surcharges, not receiving the survey, contact person for poor service, cancellation of contract and length of contract, big business running smaller business out, forced by placing on taxes, heavier trucks, special assessment districts and starting date and timing of placing on the tax bill. Bob Brown read a letter from Larry Treul who also addressed the proposed trash pickup.


                              CD             $97,443.37

                              CD             $75,000.00

                GEN FUND             $16,277.87

                FIRE FUND            $13,179.37

        TAX ACCOUNT              $3,244.05

                       TOTAL          $309,496.23


The billboard ordinance went to final draft and the application is close to final draft.  The fees were also established.  John Ernst will check with NEMCOG to see if it is possible to develop the township’s master plan more in line with the Whitewater Township Master Plan.  The next PC meeting will be held on August 27, 2002 at 7:00 p.m.  Tim Baker resigned as PC chair on July 9, 2002 since he moved from the township leaving a vacancy.  Ralph made a motion to appoint Ms. Suzzane Bannister to the Elmira Township Planning Commission.  Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously.


Ron reported he is still working on foreclosed property.  There are six unlicensed vehicles, one has been removed.


Maintaining assessment roll and updating Homestead and deeds as they come in.  Building Permits are being put together for review and assessments.

Land Divisions:

060-002-005-02  Alan Stephenson                         approved

060-002-200-015-00  Montmorency Investments   approved

These two divisions were pending appropriate and complete information which was received on August 4, 2002.  The original application was started in October, 2001.


Governor Engler veto of all $845 million of the statutory portion of revenue sharing which would be a loss of $12,000 to the township.  Every member of the board is urged to call our state representative, Ken Brandstreet and  Senator, McManus and tell them you expect them to be committed to overriding this veto. There will be a rally on the Capitol on August 13, 2002.

Bryan Graham will attend the special joint meeting on August 14, 2002 at 7:00 p.m.. In addition to the Fire Authority a Controlled Burn Policy will also be discussed.

Mr & Mrs Richard Theisen inquired about graveling Parmater Road.  Ralph stated that the road commission is responsible.

1127 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                          87.50

1128 Theresa Plachta, trustee                             210.00

1129 Susan Schaedig, clerk                             1,056.08

1130 Ron Geiger, ordinance officer                     158.71

1131 Ralph Robarge, Supv                                 633.66

1132 Leonard Skop, trustee                               160.00

1133 John Wiacek, Jr, PC meeting                       50.00

1134 John Ernst, PC meeting                                50.00

1135 Jill Kassuba, assessor                             1,376.16

1136 Gloria Torello, PC meeting                          55.00 

1137 Duane Hoffman, PC meeting                       50.00

1138 Diane Purgiel, treasurer                          1,106.08

1139 Dunns Business Solutions                          207.92

1140 WalMart                                                    27.84

1141 Great Lakes Energy                                   14.18

1142 Susan Schaedig, reimb                               98.85

1143 Otsego County Data Processing                 88.13

1144 Waste Management                                   50.42

1145 Diane Purgiel, reimb                                   87.84

1146 Herald Times, minutes                                40.02

1147 BS & A Software                                      400.00

1148 Shiels Construction Inc                              115.00

1149 Accident Fund, workmen’s comp              779.00

1150 Doreen Ostrander, election                        167.85

1151 Barbara Fleming, election                          127.50

1152 Sara Schaedig, election                             127.50

1153 Margaret Hall, election                              127.50

1154 Susan Schaedig, reimb election                    21.38

1155 Marie Czykoski, hall dep refund                  50.00

1156 Theresa Plachta, special meetings               170.00

1157 Susan Schaedig, special meetings               170.00

1158 Ralph Robarge, special meetings                170.00

1159 Leonard Skop, special meetings                 170.00

1160 Diane Purgiel, special meetings                   170.00

1161 Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, PC           228.00

1162 1st National Bank of Gaylord, Aug taxes   666.25

1163 Great Lakes Energy                                  296.91

1164 Keskine, Cook, Miller,

         Smith & Alexander, audit                         2,360.00

1165 Ralph Robarge, reimb use fax & computer    25.00

1166 CenturyTel                                                   87.84



5065 Ralph Robarge, fire board                          30.00

5066 Lee Curry, fire board                                 30.00

5067 Ken Figiel, chief                                       230.00

5068 Don Franckowiak, ass’t chief                   150.00

5069 Diane Franckowiak, EMS co-ordinator    180.00

5070 Carl Essenmacher, fire board                     30.00

5071 Don Cherry, reimb                                      4.40

5072 Cellular One                                              16.02

5073 Larry’s Services, fuel                                 18.00

5074 Don Franckowiak, reimb                          318.52

5075 Bohnet Oil, LLC, fuel                                 16.00

5076 Pat & Bud’s, fuel                                      114.24

5077 Accident Fund, workmens comp            1,507.00

5078 Carl Essenmacher, Special mtg                    30.00

5079 Don Franckowiak, special mtg                    30.00

5080 Diane Franckowiak, special meeting            30.00

5081 Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C.          444.00

5082 First Nat’l Bank of Gaylord, august taxes    136.11

5083 Centurytel                                                    43.57

5084 Keskine, Cook, Miller,

         Smith & Alexander                                    800.00

5085 Great Lakes Energy                                    75.95




Leonard made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.

There being no further business to come before the board, Diane made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m..



Meeting Minutes, July 11, 2002


JULY 11, 2002

A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on July 11, 2002 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Clerk, Sue Schaedig calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Members in attendance were Clerk, Sue Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel, Trustee, Leonard Skop and Trustee, Theresa Plachta.  Others attending were Ron Geiger, Jill Kassuba, Tim Baker and Walt & Jim Godlewski.  Sue appointed Leonard to moderate the meeting.

The board accepted Tim Baker’s letter of resignation from his position on the Elmira Township Planning Commission.  He stated that he has had to relocate outside the township and it is with regret that he is leaving.  Sue made a motion to hold a special meeting on August 7, 2002 at 6:30 p.m. in order to interview five candidates for the vacant Planning Commission position.  Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously.  Theresa stated that the fire department will be included in the Merit Network internet, service so there will be an additional cost of $10.00 for the start up cost (422.00) and $530.00 plus $180.00 or $59.17 per month. The domain name service will be elmira.mi-twp.org.


The Otsego County Sheriff’s office spent a total of 46.75 hours on patrol in Elmira Township for the month of May 2002.  YTD is 196.25 hours.


Gen Fund          101-001             $29,835.51  

Standard Fed   First Nat’l            $26,579.97

                         101-117 CD      $97,443.37

                                       CD       $74,467.62

                           101-118 CD    $75,000.00

                           Fire Fund         $17,018.96

                           Tax Acct          $  3,241.46

                                     TOTAL 323,586.89

There is one account left at Standard Federal and will be closed shortly upon locating the status of one uncleared check for 48.44.


Diane reported that Tacy has a problem with the two week notice for sending applications from the County to the township. They have a ten day window.  The PC obtained a copy of the Whitewater Township Master Plan to aid in developing a plan for Elmira.  Sue made a motion to pay $10.00 for the copy of the Master Plan from Whitewater Township.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.  Sue made a motion to allow any Planning Commission member to attend the class on Land Division.  Members to be reimbursed their registration fee and paid wages.  Seconded by Theresa and carried.  Diane stated that NEMCOG is asking the township to become a member.  She will find out the details.  The issue was tabled.


Jill is working with Diane to print a mail label listing of all 102 and 402 properties of our township.  This list was requested by the Waste Management representative and will be sent as soon as it is completed.  Jill will be paid $10.00 per hour and Waste Management will reimburse the township.  The Roll Back Millage form 4029 has been completed and turned in to Sue.  As per Jill’s contract she is seeking $55.00 for payment of Michigan Assessor’s Association Membership Dues.  All homestead forms and deeds have been recorded as they come in.  Started working building permits.  Kim is providing a copy of death certificates to assist in qualified homestead owners.

Land Divisions:

060-002-100-005-02  Stephenson                                    Pending-awaiting completed app

060-002-200-015-00 Somers                              

Pending-awaiting completed app

060-034-200-005-00 Godlewski                                Pending-awaiting completed app

061-310-000-thru-45-00 Eagle Point                     

Pending Copy of Master deed


On June 28, 2002 the State Tax Tribunal granted a motion to amend Great Lakes Energy v. Elmira Township to include 2002 tax year to their pending case.  Other cases of old Multipliers vs. new.  It is recommended that we hang in as there are other townships that are going to appeal the decision made by the courts.  It might also be suggested that this be discussed at a MTA Chapter meeting so we are all advised and up to date with the case proceedings.  Diane made a motion to accept the 2002 Tax Rate Request (L-4029)  as prepared.  Allocated operating millage .9154, voted fire .4575, voted fire/oper .2830.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.  Motion by Theresa, Diane seconded to pay assessors dues(55.00). Carried.


Ron reported he had two problems the last month.  One has been completed and is working on the other.  He received another complaint yesterday.


The Road Commission will go along with a 50/50 share of the asphalt on Camp Ten Road.  The contract has been signed by the Township and the Road Commission.

A letter was read from attorney, Peter Wendling in regard to the management and collection of fees on trash collection.  This issue was tabled to await the outcome of the survey by Waste Management.

Waste Management will be sending out a letter to inform property owners about the collection and the survey.  Curbside pickup will be discussed at the August 8th meeting.

Diane read letters from Elmira Township attorney, Bryan Graham and Lamar attorney, James Walsh in regard to Lamar’s request to erect a billboard.  The board decided to proceed with the administration of its billboard ordinance as enacted.  This will require an application to be formally filed by Lamar to the township under the billboard ordinance.  Theresa made a motion to accept the fees and penalty schedule for the billboard ordinance as adopted by the Planning Commission.  Sue read a letter from Bryan Graham to the DEQ in regard to the violations by the Elmira-Warner Fire Department on May 18, 2002.  The board addressed the public comment issue and tabled it.  Ralph faxed a copy of the changes made on the Fire Authority at the joint meeting to Bryan Graham.  The special joint meeting will be held on August 14. 2002 at 7:00 p.m. and Mr. Graham will be present.


Sue made a motion to appoint Peggy Hall, Barb Fleming, Sara Schaedig and Doreen Ostrander as election workers for the August 6th Primary Election.  Seconded by  Theresa and carried unanimously.  Sue made a motion to appoint Sara Schaedig as Deputy Clerk.  Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously. 



Meeting Minutes, June 13, 2002


JUNE 13, 2002

A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on June 13, 2002 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:05p.m. with Supervisor, Ralph Robarge calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Members in attendance were Supervisor, Ralph Robarge, Clerk, Susan Schaedig, Treasurer, Diane Purgiel, Trustee, Leonard Skop and Trustee, Theresa Plachta.  Others attending were Terry Vink, Steven Smiley, Don Franckowiak, Ken Figiel, Assessor, Jill Kassuba and Ron Geiger. Steve Smiley of Bay Energy Services, Inc. appeared before the board to request a variance for a temporary wind monitoring tower on the Terry & Joanne Vink property at 3613 Hallock Road, SW1/2 of the NW ¼, Section 14, T31N, R4W, Elmira Township, Otsego County 80 acres.  Leonard Skop made a motion to recommend to the Otsego County Zoning Board of Appeals to approve Bay Energy Services, Inc. request for a variance to construct a temporary wind monitoring tower measuring 164 feet in height, six inches in diameter, with a 110 feet guy wire radius, with no concrete, excavation, lighting, water, sewer or electrical used and the structure is proposed to be in place six months to one year.  The temporary building uses not to exceed 12 months but may be renewed upon request for not more than two, six month extensions.  Seconded by Theresa and approved unanimously.  The board concurs with the Elmira Planning Commission that the Otsego County Planning Commission review the existing zoning ordinance 18.44 and that windmill-monitoring towers and windmills be defined and regulated in the Otsego County Ordinance.  Chief Figiel received a letter of violation from the Air Quality Division of the DEQ in regard to the residence that was a controlled burn on Parmater Road on May 18th by the Elmira-Warner Fire Dept at the request of the owner, Frank Giese.  Ken is requesting the board to allow him to contact the township attorney to respond to the violations.
Diane made a motion to allow Chief Figiel to seek legal counsel from Elmira Township’s attorney in response to the DEQ’s list of violations and the resolution of them.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Diane made a motion in the form of a resolution in support of allowing a recreational storage building on a vacant parcel of five acres or more in FR or AR Districts.  In addition, Elmira Township recommends adding to
the amendment to implement a fine if found in violation and to strictly enforce such violations.  Seconded by Leonard and supported unanimously.
AYES:  Ralph, Susan, Diane, Theresa, Leonard NAYES:  none   ABSENT:  none
Al Bentz was given permission to purchase urethane and be reimbursed by the township in order to varnish the wood tables etc in the park.  His son is working toward his Eagle Scout and the only cost to the township would be the materials.
Diane made a motion to have the Otsego County Road Commission put bituminous pavement at 24’ & 250 lbs on Camp Ten Road from Alba Road to M 32 provided the OCRC share 50/50 in the total cost and the 2003 price increase is modest.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Total cost of paving 113,500/56,750
There will be an OCRC meeting held on Friday, June 28, 2002 at 1:00 p.m..  Leonard will attend to discuss the Camp Ten project.
Diane made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected, seconded by Theresa and carried.

Gen Fund               101-001                      29,835.51

Gen Fund               101-001 1st Natl         33,157.70

CD                        101-117                       97,443.37 
Gen Fund               101-002 CD                49,888.36

CD                        101-118                      75,000.00

Fire Fund               206-001                      20,937.00

Fire Fund               701-001 1st Nat’l        22,207.88

                              Tax Acct                        3,238.05 

                              Tax Acct 1st Nat’l          3,238.78

                                 Total                       334,946.65 

Leonard made a motion to accept the By-Laws and Rules of Procedures
 as adopted by thePlanning Commission on May 22, 2002.  Seconded by 
Diane and carried unanimously.  Theresa made a motion to pay a $10.00
registration fee for Diane and John W. to attend a seminar on Planning & 
Zoning Amendments on July 10, 2002.  Wages to be paid also.  Seconded 
by Leonard and carried unanimously.
No land divisions.
Tribunal updates:  received letter from Wolverine Power Supply Cooperative, Inc. attorney
Received letter from Great Lakes Energy Cooperative Homestead & Rescind Forms are 
all updated and will be mailing state their copies.
Ron reported two complaints.  One has been cleaned up and the other is being taken care of.
Leonard and Ralph met with Warner Township at their June 5th meeting and went 
over the Fire Authority Articles of Incorporation. Also discussed  Fire Department % 
of hall(40%) and the parking lot paving which they approved.  Warner agreed to 
changing the July 10th meeting to June 26th.  Taxable Values combined: $67,061,750 
Elmira Township 52,984,955(79%),  Warner  Township 14,076,795 (21%) + 7%=28%
Leonard and Ralph met with Steve Vanacker on June 5th and informed him that the Township
board believes the rate of $10.40 is high.  Waste Management offered to lower the estimate
to $10.02 per month if only one large item is picked up per month.  Township attorney, Peter
Wendling believes the township should conduct a survey.
Leonard made a motion to allow Waste Management to conduct a survey for curbside pickup at
$10.40 per month rate and to raise price each year either by CPI or maximum 3%, whichever is less.  
The survey to be mailed only to local residents and if the results are negative the 
issue will be dropped, if positive Waste Management will start trash pickup and the
contract will be for five years.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.  A letter 
of intent will be sent to Steve Vanacker of Waste Management.  A sign permit was denied 
in January to Lamar Advertising Co. and they are challenging.  Attorney, Brian Graham researched 
this and his opinion is that Lamar must apply to Elmira Township.  No application to the township 
had ever been made.
Diane made a motion to accept Merit Networks startup fee of $412.00 for internet service for
five connections.  The ISP dialup connection fee will be $530.00 per year or $44.17 per month.
Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.
Elmer’s will start grading and graveling on June 17th  and will pave on June 19th or
20th.  Theresa made a motion to have Elmer’s remove the slab of concrete at the entrance to
the hall and pave at an additional cost of $420.00.  Seconded by Diane and carried
The Health Department conducted an inspection of the hall and found that the ladies
restroom needs a new exhaust fan and has a leaky faucet.  Steve Shiels agreed to do the repairs
and also make a concrete pad for the dumpster.
Leonard made a motion to allow the Elmira Township Planning Commission to contact
NEMCOG or other agencies for assistance in developing a township master plan.  Seconded
by Theresa and carried unanimously.

1077 John Ernst, PC meeting                         50.00
1078 Duane Hoffman, PC meeting                 50.00
1079 Diane Purgiel, County PC meeting         50.00
1080 Young, Graham & Elsenheimer PC     144.00
1081 Centurytel                                             66.19
1082 Great Lakes Energy                            284.33
1083 State of Michigan, taxes                      559.33
1084 Otsego County MSU                           20.00
1085 First National Bank of Gaylord            665.71
1086 Elmer’s                                          18,623.80
5019 Lee Curry, fire board mtg                      30.00
5020 Ralph Robarge, fire board mtg               30.00
5021 Ken Figiel, chief                                   230.00
5022 Donald Franckowiak, ass’t chief          150.00
5023 Diane Franckowiak, EMS co-ord       180.00
5024 Carl Essenmacher, fire board meeting    30.00
5025 Gillespie Lawn Care                              21.00
5026 Pat & Bud’s                                        126.97
5027 Diane Franckowiak                             399.93
5028 Zaremba Equipment                              44.56
5029 Extreme Power Sports                          78.13
5030 Cellular One                                         12.94
5031 Gleaners Life Insurance Society            411.96
5032 Municipal Retirement Systems                20.00
5033 First National Bank of Gaylord             122.34
5034 Cellular One                                           13.13
5035 Centurytel                                               65.35
5036 State of Michigan                                  157.92
5037 Great Lakes Energy                                72.08
5038 Elmers                                               2,713.20
                                                TOTAL    39,764.47
Diane made a motion to pay the bills, seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.  Sue made a motion to amend the General Fund Township Board $1,000.00 to come from the Fund Balance.  (M-Tec donation) Sue made a motion to amend the General Fund Township Hall $20,000.00 to come from the Fund Balance.  (Elmer’s hall parking lot  paving)  There being no further business to come before the board, Leonard made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa.  Carried. Meeting adjourned 9:16 p.m.



Meeting Minutes, May 9, 2002


May 9, 2002

A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on May 9, 2002 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. with Supervisor, Ralph Robarge calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.

All board members present. Assessor, Jill Kassuba was present and twenty nine other persons in attendance.


Tom Deans of the Otsego County Road Commission presented the proposed Camp Ten Road Project.  Prime & Triple seal versus asphalt was discussed.


Leonard made a motion to approve the clearing & grubbing, improving vertical alignment, ditching & culverts, gravel to 30' width, cross culvers and seed and mulch of Camp Ten Road from M32 South to Alba Road.  Total cost of work $152,284 of which the township share is $114.212.  Price on paving to be negotiated and if not acceptable the road will be triple sealed.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.


In regard to the curbside garbage pickup bid proposal, Diane made a motion to change the comprehensive general liability insurance from 3 million to 1 million.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Waste Management was the only respondent to the ad placed in the Gaylord Herald Times for trash removal services.  Their sealed bid is $10.40 per month per dwelling multiplied by twelve equals the annual price per dwelling $124.80.


Discussion followed.  The board felt this quote was a little steep.  Leonard made a motion to table and decided to look at other options.

The minutes were approved as corrected.




101-001 Gen Fund                       29,736.51

1st National Gen. Fund                 48,971.06

1st National Fire Fund                  20,423.99

CD 101-117                                97,443.37

CD 101-118                                75,000.00

CD                                              49,888.36

Fire Fund                                     20,937.00

Tax Acct.                                       3,238.05

1st National                                    3,343.86

Total                                          348,982.20



Don Cherry voiced his concerns about the lack of zoning enforcement at Gerald Kyles residence on M32.  The DEQ will be contacted along with Ron Geiger, township zoning enforcement officer and Tacy Schlink of Otsego County.


The Township Billboard Ordinance was reviewed and a fee schedule was adopted.


Leonard made a motion to allow Diane contact the township attorney to review the Billboard Ordinance in regard to Lama's request to install a billboard on M32.  Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously.  Lamar is challenging our denial.



Updating Homestead List as they come in (final list for 2003 due to county by May 14th). 

Preparing 2002 Tax Rate Request Information for next meeting.

No Land Divisions for April.

Assessment roll is balanced with Otsego County Equalization.

Ending Values: Taxable 52,984,955 Assessed 66,923,850



The board reviewed and made changes to the Intergovernmental Agreement creating Elmira-Warner Fire Authority.


The Wind Generator Ordinance comes under land use.  The county zoning ordinance has to be amended.  Mr. Graham did not know if we came under the county zoning.  Withdrew Elmira Township from the agreement to participate.


The board reviewed two bids for paving of the township hall parking lot:

H & D, Inc.  $23,540.00    Elmer's $20,917.00


Diane made a motion to accept Elmer's bid of $20,917.00 to pave the township hall parking lot.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Ralph and Leonard will attend the Warner board meeting to ask for monetary participation in the paving project and to change the July joint township meeting to June 26th.


Mr. Graham is still working on the renewal of Charter Communications Franchise Agreement.  The renewal date is 10/17/04.


Leonard made a motion to accept Dave Gillespie's Lawn care Contract for 2002 through the 2004 season.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.



Theresa made a motion to reappoint John Wiacek for a three year term on the Township Planning Commission.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


The next Township Association meeting will be help on May 21, 2002 at Otsego Lake Township.


The board reviewed two bids for painting of the township hall:

D & S Painting $8,092.00

Hangin' In There $6,557.75


Diane made a motion to acct Hangin' In There bid of $6,557.75 for paint of the hall.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


Leonard mad a motion to adopt the Electric Franchise Ordinance granting a non-exclusive franchise to use local public ways and transact local electric business in the  township of Elmira to Great Lakes Energy Cooperative.  Seconded by Sue and carried unanimously.

AYES: Ralph Robarge, Susan Schaedig, Diane Purgiel, Theresa Plachta, Leonard Skop




Diane made a motion to contract with Merit Network, a non-profit internet service.  Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.


1010 MI Society of Planning, reg. 4 persons        200.00

1011 Pat & Bud's, BOR refreshments                   14.49

1012 Ralph Robarge, reimb                                  48.00

1013 Diane Purgiel, reimb                                   116.98

1014 Jill Kassuba, reimb                                       75.46

1015 Otsego County Data Processing                   88.13

1016 Gaylord Herald Times                                  56.70

1017 Dunn's Business Solutions, stamp, copies      62.32

1018 Michigan Society of Planning, dues              275.00

1019 Waste Management                                      50.45

1020 Great Lakes Energy                                      14.18

1021 Deb Puroll, hall dep reimb                             50.00

1022 Diane Purgiel, wages                                   932.00

1023 Timothy Baker, PC meeting                          50.00

1024 Theresa Plachta, wages                               270.00

1025 Susan Schaedig, wages                             1,006.08

1026 Ron Geiger, liq inspector, ordinance officer  158.71

1027 Ralph Robarge, wages                                743.66

1028 Leonard Skop, wages                                 110.00

1029 John Ernst, wages PC meeting                      50.00

1030 Jill Kassuba, wages assessor                    1,366.16

1031 Gloria Torello, wages PC meeting                 55.00

1032 Duane Hoffman, wages PC meeting              50.00

1033 Diane Purgiel, wages                                    50.00

1034 Gillespie Lawn Care, spring cleanup           900.00

1035 Susan Schaedig, reimb                                 19.71

1036 First National Bank of Gaylord, May taxes 657.18

1037 Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                         162.50

1038 Centurytel                                                    65.51

1039 Great Lakes Energy                                    460.73

1040 Hangin In There, repair & painting hall      6,557.75

1041 Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C.             72.00



5004 Ralph Robarge, fire board mtg                       30.00

5005 Lee Curry, fire board mtg                              30.00

5006 Ken Figiel, Chief                                          230.00

5007 Donald Franckowiak, wages                        150.00

5008 Diane Franckowiak, wages                          180.00

5009 Carl Essenmacher, fire board mtg                   30.00

5010 Pat & Bud's, fuel                                          134.51

5011 Cellular One                                                  12.94

5012 Gaylord Ford                                           1,041.64

5013 Midas, muffler                                              96.85

5014 Zaremba Equipment                                     91.41

5015 Donald Franckowiak, reimb                       186.20

5016 First National Bank of Gaylord, taxes         122.34

5017 CenturyTel                                                   64.78

5018 Great Lakes Energy                                   133.03








Diane made a motion to pay the bills, seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.

There being no further business to come before the board Sue made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m.



Meeting Minutes, April 9, 2002


April 9, 2002

A regular meeting of the Elmira Township board was held on April 9, 2002 at the Elmira Township hall commencing at 7:05 p.m. with Supervisor, Ralph Robarge calling the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


All board members were in attendance.  Assessor, Jill Kassuba was present along with twelve other persons.


The board reviewed a letter from township attorney, Peter Wendling explaining three methods the township could use to implement a residential curbside garbage pickup.  Each method was discussed and the board decided to conduct a survey and hold a public hearing to gather input on the issue.


Steve Vanacker of Waste Management assisted the board with wording for a bid proposal specification for solid waste collection services.  The board reviewed and made some changes to the proposal.


An ad for sealed bids will be placed in the Gaylord Herald Times and the bids will be opened at the next meeting on May 9, 2002.


Dale Smith representing Elmer Morehouse petitioned the board to recommend rezoning 10.4 acres from R3 to B1.  The property is located at 4038 West M-32, Elmira Township.  Mr. Smith explained that the applicant intended to develop a landscape and nursery on the site.


The township planning commission recommended denial based on that there is an existing B1 district and this type of rezoning would be spot zoning and not in the best interest of the township.


Leonard made a motion to concur with the Elmira Township Planning Commission's recommendation to deny the request of Elmer Morehouse for a rezoning from R3 to B1 on a 10.4 acre parcel located at 4038 West M-32, Elmira Township, T31N, R4W, Section 5, Parcel Code 060-035-400-005-04, Case # PC-2002-REZONE.  Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously.


A letter of recommendation to deny the application will be sent to the Otsego County Planning Commission.


Ron and Kathy Fiser appeared before the board asking for improvements on South Camp Ten Road. Ralph explained that the township plans on upgrading and either tar and chipping or paving depending on the price.  The board will meet on site with Tom Deans of the Road Commission and go over the details.  Mr. Deans will attend the May meeting to discuss options.


The minutes of March12, 2002 stand as presented.


HB#4022 passed the House and senate but vetoed by Governor (allowing townships to participate on setting speed limits on local roads).



Diane made a motion in the form of a resolution to allow the deposit of Elmira Township funds into 1st National Bank of Gaylord, Fifth Third, Community Federal, Citizens Bank, Standard Federal, North Country and Northwestern Bank.   Seconded by Leonard and carried unanimously.





Diane reported that a General Fund, Tax Fund, Fire Fund and a CD were opened at 1st National with no restrictions.  These accounts will be closed after all outstanding checks are cashed.


House bill 1165 & 1166 have passed.  State Education taxes will be collected starting in July of 2003.


Standard Federal: Gen Fund 30,040.09, MM - closed,  Fire Fund 21,158.93, Tax Acct 3,233.57

First National: Gen Fund 34,630.12, Fire Fund 23,793.28, Tax Acct 3,233.57

CD 97,433.37     CD 75,000.00     CD 49,888.36   

TOTAL     338,421.29



March Board of Review is closed.  Jill is working with the Equalization Dept. to balance the roll.

Land Divisions:

Douglas              060-027-300-105 & 110-00      approved

Franckowiak      060-018-300-005-00                 approved

Stephenson        060-002-100-005-02     pending/copy of descriptions

Somers              060-002-200-015-00     pending/copy of descriptions

Eagle Point         061-310-000-000 thru 045-00  pending/copy of master deed


Building permits are coming in slowly.  Continue to maintain the assessment roll.  Waiting to roll over work roll into the 2003 data base.  This will be completed at the discretion of the Equalization Department's balancing.  Homestead forms are up to date.


The board addressed the assessor's contract.  Jill will be given a 3% increase and will be paid $40.00 for each land division.  She was given clarification on regular duties in section 15 in Article I.


Leonard made a motion to accept the assessor's contract for May 2002 - April 30, 2003 as corrected.  Seconded by Sue and carried unanimously.



 A joint meeting of Otsego and Montmorency Counties will be held on April 11, 2002 at Vienna Twp hall at 7:00 p.m.  Dave Bertrum of the MTA will be the guest speaker.


The next regular board meeting will be held on Thursday, May 9, 2002.


Great Lakes Energy Franchise Agreement and Charter Communications Agreement have not been completed.


Ralph encouraged sending letters of support of HB#5817, Amendment to Highway Advertising Act of 1972 introduced by Rep Bradstreet.  It allows the count to be the enforcing agency.



Diane made a motion to pay registration fees, mileage and wages for the treasurer to attend the Professional Development Class for Treasurers on April 27, 2002.  Seconded by Sue and carried unanimously.


Sue made a motion to pay the registration fees and wages for any board member to attend the Spring District Meeting on May 7, 2002 at Sylvan Resort.  Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously.


Leonard made a motion in the form of a resolution to urge Michigan's Senators and Congress to support efforts to establish a permanent repository for high level nuclear waste by opening Yucca Mountain, Nevada.  Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously. 





Ralph reported that attorney Bryan Graham is in the process of drafting the proposed language for several municipalities for a Wind Powered Turbines Ordinance.  He will give a cost once he knows how many will participate.  Board agreed to participate.


The board discussed the condition of the hall parking lot. Ralph will contact H & D and Elmers for bids.


Ralph will contact Gillespie Lawn Care to inspect the park playground equipment when he does the spring cleanup.


Wil Savory, a Boy Scout working on his badge, attended the meeting and asked several questions of the board members.


14114  Tim Baker, PC meeting                                      50.00

14115  Theresa Plachta, trustee                                    160.00

14116  Susan Schaedig, Clerk                                     796.08

14117  Ron Geiger,ordinance officer, liquor inspector   158.71

14118  Ralph Robarge, Supv                                       583.66

14119  Leonard Skop, trustee                                      210.00

14120  John Wiacek, Jr., PC meeting                             50.00

14121  Jill Kassuba, assessor                                    1,327.50

14122  Gloria Torello, PC meeting                                 55.00

14123  Duane Hoffman, PC meeting                              50.00

14124  Diane Purgiel, treas                                          796.08

14125  Dan Sevenski, hall cleaning                               125.00

14126  VOID

14127  Ralph Robarge, reimb fax & computer                25.00

14128  Diane Purgiel, reimb                                           46.58

14129  Jill Kassuba, reimb                                             58.76

14130  Huff Excavation, snowplowing                            56.25

14131  Herald Times, printing of minutes                        40.02

14132  Carquest, hall cleaning supplies                           21.72

14133  Waste Management                                           50.19

14134  Great Lakes Energy                                           14.18

14135  Otsego County Data Processing                       289.36

14136  US Postal Service, postage                                68.00

14137  Vi Davis, hall dep refund                                    50.00

14138  Gaylord Gas                                                    296.50

1001  MTA, registration spring district meeting             320.00

1002  MTA, registration treas prof dev retreat              165.00

1003  Veronica Limberger, hall dep refund                     50.00

1004  First Nat'l Bank of Gaylord, taxes                       577.80

1005  Dunn's Business Solutions, copies PC                   27.91

1006  Young, Graham & Elsenheimer, P.C.                  217.14

1007  Peggy Nowak, hall dep refund                              50.00

1008  CenturyTel                                                           89.40

1009  Great Lakes Energy                                           292.07



1145  Diane Franckowiak, EMS co-ord                      405.25

1146  Stepahine Figiel, runs                                           33.00

1147  Scott Niedling, runs                                             63.25

1148  Robert Herman, runs                                           22.00

1149  Ralph Robarge, FB mtg                                       30.00

1150  Margaret Kennedy, runs                                    110.00

1151  Leslie Brown, runs                                               85.25

1152  Lee Curry, FB mtg                                              30.00

1153  Ken Figiel, chief, run, FB mtg                             372.00

1154  Jeremiah Coon, runs                                          185.75

1155  Isadore Dzwik, runs                                            49.50

1156  Gregory Hanes, runs                                           44.00

1157  Eric Kennedy, runs                                            173.62

1158  Edward Coon, runs                                           224.25

1159  Donald Franckowiak, runs                                400.00

1160  Donald Cherry, runs                                         148.50

1161  Carl Essenmacher, FB mtg                                 30.00

1162  Alan Franckowiak, runs                                    158.50

1163  VOID

1164  Pat & Bud's, fuel                                                 26.26

1165  Huff Excavating, snowplowing                           225.00

1166  Cellular One                                                       24.84

1167  Gaylord Gas, Inc                                               451.50

5001  First National Bank of Gaylord, taxes                 579.25

5002  Centurytel                                                            44.85

5003  Great Lakes Energy                                           177.55





Leonard made a motion to pay the bills.  Seconded by Diane and carried unanimously.

There being no further business to come before the board Diane made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Theresa and carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m..



Meeting Minutes, March 12, 2002


Regular meeting held on March 12, 2002. Called to order by Ralph Robarge.  Four board members present.  Treasurer excused.  Eleven persons in attendance.  Attorney Wendling explained three options for implementing a township wide garbage collection.  The issue will be discussed again at the April meeting. February minutes accepted as presented. Motions carried to change the regular meeting dates to the second Thursday of each month starting on May 9, 2002; to send a letter to the Road Commission expressing interest in HB #4022; to
accept full service agreement for data processing in 2002; to pay the assessor $40.00 for each land division; pay the bills and to amend the budget.  Received Assessor and Treasurer reports.  Budget Hearing.  Adopted the 2002-2003 budget.

Next regular meeting to be held Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 7:00 p.m..


Meeting Minutes, February 12, 2002:

Regular meeting held on February 12, 2002. Called to order by Ralph Robarge. All board members present. The assessor and two Waste Management persons in attendance. 

Presentation of costs of a spring cleanup and township wide curb side pickup and recycling by Waste Management. Board support of curbside pickup of trash and recycling issues on the August ballot. January minutes accepted as presented. Treasurer's and Assessor's reports. Motions carried to purchase 8 zoning ordinances, fax cartridge, to change the monthly meeting to the second Thursday of the month beginning in April. Approved resolutions to adopt the Poverty Exemption Guidelines for 2002, increase of salary by 3% for the supervisor, clerk and treasurer. 

March Board of Review meeting set for March 5th at 9:00 a.m. (organizational meeting), March 11th 9 am to 3 pm and March 14th from 3 pm to 9 pm. Paid bills. Planning Commission meeting on February 26th at 7:00 p.m. 

Next regular meeting to be held on March 12th.


Meeting Minutes, January 8, 2002:

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. on January 8, 2002 by Supervisor, Ralph Robarge. All board members present and three citizens in attendance. Minutes accepted as presented and received monthly reports. Paid monthly bills. Motions approved to purchase two fax machines, a laser printer and a laser printer-copier. A Public Input Session will be held on January 29, 2002 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.. It will be facilitated by Phil Alexander and will include planning issues and tools, the Planning Commission Survey summary and public input on the future of Elmira Township. Waste Management will attend February's meeting to discuss a spring cleanup. Attorney, Brian Graham will attend the Elmira-Warner joint meeting on January 9, 2002 to discuss the forming of a joint Fire District. Denied Lamar Advertising application for erection of a billboard.

February meeting will held on February 12, 2002 at 7:00 p.m.

Susan Schaedig, Clerk


© 2001 Elmira Township

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