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Learning Express Library 3.0

Prepare for any of a number of official school and career exams.  You'll have unlimited free access to practice tests based on such official exams as ACT, SAT, GED, ASVAB, Firefighter, Police Officer, Paramedic, EMT Basics, U.S. Citizenship, Postal Worker, Cosmetology, Real Estate Agent & Broker Exams.  Maybe you just want to improve your reading, writing, math and grammar skills.  We'll have a test for you too! 

Refer a non-reader to the
Otsego County Literacy Council!

The Otsego County Literacy Council is offering a one-on-one tutoring program designed to help adults meet their goals through improved literacy.

Referring a Learner
You can refer a learner to the Otsego County Literacy Council by having the individual call our office at 732-5841.

There is no charge for individual tutoring services.

After the referral
When a new learner calls the Otsego County Literacy Council, he or she will be placed with a tutor as soon as an appropriate match can be made.

Otsego County Literacy Council learners must be:
~At least 18 years of age.
~Live or work in Otsego County.
~Demonstrate a desire to participate in the program.
~Display behavior appropriate to learning with a tutor.


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© 2006 Otsego County Literacy Council